Review of OilXGreen THC Extraction System

The one thing I think is funny, that no one is taking about... Where the hell are you supposed to get pentane?
It is causally treated like this is something you can get at the local hardware store or purchase online without suspicion.

This isn't like isopropanol, if you purchase pentane, the seller knows what you are going to use it for...
you can buy it on amazon. and if the seller or anybody else wants to know what its for i'll tell I put my weed in it. I live in ME, shit I could walk across the street and by shatter, butter, wax, cartridges, flower, brownies......
The same chemical supply stores who keep a tally of how much you buy and when you buy it and then freely hand these records over to the cops...

That's exactly what your customers need to know...

Since 9/11, everything changed.
I used to be able to buy Iso at the local chem store, no name, nothing. I just went in asked for it, paid cash and walked out.
Post 9/11, if I pay cash, I have to sign a form and it asks for details...
The same details they can easily get when one pays with a credit card.

So, while pentane is an amazing solvent, it is irresponsible to put your customers in jeopardy this way.
holy shit dude, where do you live? I can buy 99 iso all day here no id. the cigarette store down the street sells the big cans of bho butane, like 10 different brands. The way you talk about it sounds like your making meth.
It is super illegal...
They are selling "stills" to customers who apparently aren't aware that even the possession of still parts can land them in jail.

Plus we all know how smart people are and having access to a low boiling point flammable solvent like pentane...
What could go wrong?
for you to go to jail for having a still wouldnt they have to prove that you made liquor with it?
jesus the lack of self-awareness in this last conversation was mind boggling. "Oh my god that still is soo illegal" while posting pics of 100 plant grow ops that could get you life in prison... give me a fucking break....

Gentlemen: there is NO gray area.

if you manufacture marijuana extracts - it doesn't matter if you used glass, copper, stainless steel, rubber hose or a donkey's vagina - IT IS A FEDERAL CRIME. it is still illegal to produce, possess, buy, sell or consume cannabis or cannabis derived products in the US under federal law.

Have enough of it on hand and you'll die in prison.....

I wouldn't buy this for anything by the way...

but you guys are trippin...
IDK dude. The FED has so much shit on its plate. Theres only 3 states left where its totally illegal. Theres no way they can police 47 states. Its all over but the cryin. BTW, I'm not buying the contraption either.
The issue I have with this isn't about what it technically is or isn't, if a cop were to see this they would call it a still and if they saw it in your house, it would be a felony with up to 5 years of jail time, and/or a $10,000 fine.
Whether it is a still or not, the fact remains that the person who owns it would have to go through a very lengthy and expensive trial process to prove otherwise.

I am curious what law and court case examples you have to back up your statements.
Because this is something your customers should know about, so they can have a prepared packet ready to go in case the SHTF and the fuzz comes a knocking.
It could save them thousands in court costs and lost wages from having to take time off of work to appear at various court dates.

Please share this information with us.
I don't ask so I can nit pick, I ask out of concern.

I am not trying to hurt your business, I am all for new innovation, but you must keep your customers as the #1 priority and your product while very interesting seems like you are leaving your customers flapping in the wind a bit.
just cause a cop arrests you for committing what he or she thinks is a crime does not equal prison. I got pulled over two years ago and was arrested for dui. dui 3 which in Mass is 5 years. Cop got on the stand and said I was drunk off my ass when he pulled me over. I'm sittin here tallkin to you so obviously the pig got found out for the liar he was.
My point is that you said distillation was legal in your state. It's not legal at the federal level, so it's not state legal. People need to fully understand the possible repercussions of owning an unlicensed copper coil still and running alcohol through it. Ignorance of the law is no excuse once LEO gets involved. It's as true as MJ being legal in the states that allow it. Neither are truly legal, there are just different levels of enforcement. The ATF says it's illegal everywhere, unless federally licensed, and, unlike MJ, the Feds have never said they will respect states laws about distillation, as far as I can find. So even in MJ legal states this could get you arrested on illegal production charges.
If the FED wanted to it could get a warrant, knock on rollitups door and say were taking your servers. trace every account using the dynamic IP address assigned to each of us by our respective ISPs and kick in everyone of our doors because we are breaking federal law. That could happen but it hasnt because theres no way for the fed to police us. And if there not mobilizing over billions and billions of dollars of illegal weed, you think there gonna trip over some tubing and two plastic buckets?
and tane soup is tane soup. have fun smoking it. :)
Ive been dabing (you dont actually smoke dabs) BHO for years. no problems. i can buy/build a rosin press for what 250-10000 dollars. i can buy two cans of butane for 6 bucks. I'm not saying bho is better but its WAY cheaper to make. If there was considerable amounts of butane left after purge youd blow off your face like richard pryor.
Source Turbo is an awesome tool .....just set and forget 2 hrs you get 94-96%THC/CBD Extraction costs a tad more but no hassle in recovery of everclear or iso been making Phoenix Tears for two weeks and been allot of fun learning. Just Saying
Wait I just noticed you were selling this for 299 and 199 is a specia!? Baaahahaha, this has to be a joke right ? you might sell 1 of these things to a 15 year old, 299 too funny man...please humor me and justify how in your head asking 299/199 for essentially 2 jars and a coil is anything but crazy...
GReed is what makes people ask those kind of prices Lol but hey if there going to pay then let them pay LOl