Review of OilXGreen THC Extraction System

Stainless Steel Tubing Coil - 3/8" x 50' fifty feet for only 70 dollars. you are a scam artist. NOT TO MENTION THIS IS REALLY DANGEROUS FOR A
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so why sell a dangerous product noone will use? I trolled a vendor off another site for pulling the same shit reinventing a wheel that doesnt even work. all that oil needs a vacuum oven..... if you buy a vacuum oven, you arent buying a shitty condenser coil.
you know, when people close loop, they use dry ice and alchohol on the bottom catch pan and heating mats on the solvent tank to drive the solvent to the other side. literally with a braided hose worth 10 dollars. why do you think your system even works?
why dont you have a web site for it are you that broke, all your links to your "reviews" are BROKEN LOL.
Im going to sell your 3 dollars worth of coil and 2 mason jar lids for 15 dollars and undercut you since you dont have a patent. :)
lol your website is jenk af claiming to already have tested your shit buty on here you said posting results as soon as i get it. like I said. TANE SOUP. I want to see you post a video of you smoking that shit right out of the jar.
The Oil X Green Cannabis Extract System is a simple, sheltered and efficient approach to make hash oil and other pot assembles at home. This is a shut circle framework enabling you to catch your Pentane to be utilized over and over. More secure than BHO and far superior for nature. All you need is hot and cold water to process your concentrates. It would be ideal if you visit our site and watch the short video. We likewise have a FAQ page to respond to numerous normal inquiries. Beginning at $149.95 our framework is the most reduced evaluated THC extraction framework available.
so why sell a dangerous product noone will use? I trolled a vendor off another site for pulling the same shit reinventing a wheel that doesnt even work. all that oil needs a vacuum oven..... if you buy a vacuum oven, you arent buying a shitty condenser coil.
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