Review of OilXGreen THC Extraction System

Technically this is not a still. It is a solvent recovery system. It does not boil the pentane to create a new product. It mearley collects the Pentane leaving behind the EXTRACT. Solvent recovery systems have been around for years and are perfectly legal.

The issue I have with this isn't about what it technically is or isn't, if a cop were to see this they would call it a still and if they saw it in your house, it would be a felony with up to 5 years of jail time, and/or a $10,000 fine.
Whether it is a still or not, the fact remains that the person who owns it would have to go through a very lengthy and expensive trial process to prove otherwise.

I am curious what law and court case examples you have to back up your statements.
Because this is something your customers should know about, so they can have a prepared packet ready to go in case the SHTF and the fuzz comes a knocking.
It could save them thousands in court costs and lost wages from having to take time off of work to appear at various court dates.

Please share this information with us.
I don't ask so I can nit pick, I ask out of concern.

I am not trying to hurt your business, I am all for new innovation, but you must keep your customers as the #1 priority and your product while very interesting seems like you are leaving your customers flapping in the wind a bit.
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Thanks for the info. It may take some time but I will see what I can find out as far as legal cases go.

Also if you changed the system slightly and took advantage of legal gray areas, you could save yourself a lot of extra labor and offer a product that looks a little less DIY.

Just saying...
The issue I have with this isn't about what it technically is or isn't, if a cop were to see this they would call it a still and if they saw it in your house, it would be a felony with up to 5 years of jail time, and/or a $10,000 fine.
Whether it is a still or not, the fact remains that the person who owns it would have to go through a very lengthy and expensive trial process to prove otherwise.

The cop would have to find a really ignorant prosecutor in order to cause such a scenario.

I once owned an industrial painting company. We used lots of solvent to clean out 50 foot hoses. The stuff was too expensive to dispose of properly. So we used a solvent recovery to recycle the solvent. Google Solvent Recovery System.

I found this explanation of Federal Law as it applies to a "Still": -- "According to federal rules, stills of any size are legal to own if not being used, nor intended to be used, to produce alcohol. In other words, if a still is only being used to filter water or make essential oils, and these actions do not involve the distillation of alcohol, a still of any size is legal to own."

Wikipedia has this definition: -- "A still is an apparatus used to distill liquid mixtures by heating to selectively boil and then cooling to condense the vapor.[1] A still uses the same concepts as a basic distillation apparatus, but on a much larger scale. Stills have been used to produce perfume and medicine, water for injection (WFI) for pharmaceutical use, generally to separate and purify different chemicals, and to produce distilled beverages containing ethanol."

Ever hear of The SourceTurbo? It is an alcohol recovery unit. It takes alcohol and Cannaibs extracts and distills the alcohol, (the kind one drinks), from the extraction. One then either drinks the recovered alcohol, which would be moonshine I guess, or one recycles it. Google Extract Craft Source.

I think the issue is not whether one needs to worry about a cop seeing an OilXGreen. The issue is whether the cop can convince a prosecutor that one is doing something illegal with it. Since making and or consuming cannabis and or cannabis concentrates is as illegal as is making moonshine, as far as the Feds care, I am pretty sure anybody that would buy one of these has made peace with the fact a cop might see it and convince a prosecutor to prosecute.

I don't get all the angst. I am not sure that anybody who thinks a cop would be able to convince a prosecutor that this device is meant to produce moonshine knows much about how prosecutors choose who to prosecute. I find it amusing that somebody would rant about a product being illegal on forum where we all discuss using a substance that is just as illegal.

I mean, come on man! We are all breaking the law. And so are you Chris. You are giving advice on how to manufacture and market a device meant to used in conjunction with a Schedule 1 Narcotic. You are participant in a conspiracy. I don't know if you are using your real name but it don't matter. If an FBI agent reads this thread, and said agent convinces a Federal Prosecutor, (a really stupid one), to prosecute, a Federal judge will issue a warrants and they will track all of us down.

Are you shaking in your boots yet?
I Know In My State Its Legal To Posses And Produce Your Own Moonshine. The Legal Amount Your Allowed To Make Is 16.6 Gallons A Month For A 1 Year total Of 200 Gallons. Hell I Can Go Down The Street And Legally Buy A Still From The Beer Makers Store. As Far A Pentane Is Concerned Its Used Regular In Chemistry As A Washing Agent Along with Hexane.

The Only Thing Flapping In The Wind Is This Guy's Lack Of Knowledge On This Whole Subject
Now lets be nice. Few people on this forum are lawyers and everyone is just expressing an opinion. I kind of wish they would start a different thread to do this on.

“Technically” only matters when you have documentation or overwhelming circumstantial evidence to back up your claim.

Using your example:
You owned a paint company and you also owned a “still” (that should have been registered) that was more than likely covered in paint residue.
Pretty open and shut case there.

However flip the circumstances slightly and everything changes…

As far as your claim of the applicable federal law, I would love to see the federal U.S.C. or C.F.R’s that prove your point, otherwise it is just hearsay and quoting some website’s interpretation of the law isn’t going to do much for your case.
The federal law is quite clear on this, owning an unregistered still (even for solvent recovery) is a felony (26 U.S. Code § 5601 (a)) punishable by up to 5 years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.

That’s not my opinion, that’s the law...

I have looked into this and the only references I can find for solvent recovery legality are regarding it’s use in waste management and recovery of paint solvents.

Again, if you have federal codes that say otherwise, I would love to see them.

If you live in a recreation state (or a medical state and you have a license), the chances of someone who produces oil for personal use being prosecuted for cannabis is small, but if the fuzz does come knocking, why give them an easy win?

Also good job assuming…
I don’t break the law, I grow hemp, which where I live is legal, but please continue to incriminate yourself.
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@The Dawg

Isn’t that nice for you.

How is what I am saying wrong when I am backing up what I am saying with the applicable law?

Owning a still is legal and in most cases there are no restrictions to the size as long as you follow certain rules like registering it and applying for permits if you intend to make fuel alcohol.
It's not rocket science (lol).

This way if a cop sees your still and asks to see your registration and permit, you simply show them the proper documents and, they go away!!!
Or if you fail to show these documents, they may get a search warrant to search your house and they will make any connection they can...

As far as the pentane, the operative word there is that it is used in "laboratories" which have numerous permits and licenses so they can use chemicals like this and they must show proof that those using the chemicals have proper education in handling said chemicals (degrees, certification, etc...).

But you do you...
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As Per The OP Request This Will be My Last Post Concerning ^^^^^^^^^Chicken Little^^^^^^^^. My Suggestion To Anyone With Concerns About This Product Is To Check Out Your States Laws. In My State I Can Buy A 55 Gallon Drum Of n- Pentane n- Hexane Without Showing Any Documentation. How Do I Know This? I Not Only Searched My State And Local Laws I Also Went To The Local Welding Gas And Supply Store And Asked What Was The Biggest Container Of N- Pentane I Could Buy And Was Told 55 Gallon Drum Was The Biggest Size They Had. Next I Ask What Would it Take To Purchase This Drum And Was Told Cash Or Credit Card As They Didnt Accept Checks.

Now As Far As The Law At The Federal Level You Do Need A Permit To Obtain Pure Hexane And Pentane. Even In My Business To Obtain A Pure Or Raw Unmixed Fertilizers I Have To Have A State And Local License Per Federal Law.

Drop The Mike :peace:
I Know In My State Its Legal To Posses And Produce Your Own Moonshine.
Unless you're licensed, it is federally illegal to make any distilled alcohol. Per the ATF website:

"Under Federal rules administered by TTB, it depends on how you use the still. You may not produce alcohol with these stills unless you qualify as a distilled spirits plant. However, owning a small still and using it for other purposes is allowed. You should also check with your State and local authorities - their rules may differ. You should also review our Home Distilling page.

A still is defined as apparatus capable of being used to separate ethyl alcohol from a mixture that contains alcohol. Small stills (with a cubic distilling capacity of a gallon or less) that are used for laboratory purposes or for distilling water or other non-alcoholic materials are exempt from our rules. If you buy a small still and use it to distill water or extract essential oils by steam or water extraction methods, you are not subject to TTB requirements. If you produce essential oils by a solvent method and you get alcohol as a by-product of your process, we consider that distilling. Even though you are using and recovering purchased alcohol, you are separating the alcohol from a mixture -distilling."

Per the bolded, technically, we're separating ethyl alcohol from a mixture. I've already talked to a relative who's an attorney about this when I wanted to build a similar system years ago. This system likely will get you arrested, unless the local LE just ignores it. Your states laws don't matter. Arrests for moonshining have dramatically gone up since the stupid TV shows have been on.

The Only Thing Flapping In The Wind Is This Guy's Lack Of Knowledge On This Whole Subject

Right back at you.
Unless you're licensed, it is federally illegal to make any distilled alcohol. Per the ATF website:

"Under Federal rules administered by TTB, it depends on how you use the still. You may not produce alcohol with these stills unless you qualify as a distilled spirits plant. However, owning a small still and using it for other purposes is allowed. You should also check with your State and local authorities - their rules may differ. You should also review our Home Distilling page.

A still is defined as apparatus capable of being used to separate ethyl alcohol from a mixture that contains alcohol. Small stills (with a cubic distilling capacity of a gallon or less) that are used for laboratory purposes or for distilling water or other non-alcoholic materials are exempt from our rules. If you buy a small still and use it to distill water or extract essential oils by steam or water extraction methods, you are not subject to TTB requirements. If you produce essential oils by a solvent method and you get alcohol as a by-product of your process, we consider that distilling. Even though you are using and recovering purchased alcohol, you are separating the alcohol from a mixture -distilling."

Per the bolded, technically, we're separating ethyl alcohol from a mixture. I've already talked to a relative who's an attorney about this when I wanted to build a similar system years ago. This system likely will get you arrested, unless the local LE just ignores it. Your states laws don't matter. Arrests for moonshining have dramatically gone up since the stupid TV shows have been on.

Right back at you.

Thank you for taking the time to look this up and share it with us.

People can argue what this person said, what such and such website said or what you've always done and gotten away with, but the point is the law is the law and there is no arguing with that.

When it comes to this sort of thing, it's not like there aren't ways to work within the limits of the law by getting your still registered and applying for a fuel license.

Basically the gov't just wants their permit fees and taxes and they will leave you alone...

It's not being chicken little when the dark clouds are there in black and white, especially when those dark clouds come with instructions on how to make them go away...

Thank you WeedFreak78
hi oilX do you have a link or a WWW.. I love your product and would like to try one out.Im pretty sure I could fabricate something similar,but would rather not waste the effort.(Ive worked in the ultra high purity process piping industry for years and would have a tough time building one of these for $100)Is your $25 coupon still available?
Unless you're licensed, it is federally illegal to make any distilled alcohol. Per the ATF website:

"Under Federal rules administered by TTB, it depends on how you use the still. You may not produce alcohol with these stills unless you qualify as a distilled spirits plant. However, owning a small still and using it for other purposes is allowed. You should also check with your State and local authorities - their rules may differ. You should also review our Home Distilling page.

A still is defined as apparatus capable of being used to separate ethyl alcohol from a mixture that contains alcohol. Small stills (with a cubic distilling capacity of a gallon or less) that are used for laboratory purposes or for distilling water or other non-alcoholic materials are exempt from our rules. If you buy a small still and use it to distill water or extract essential oils by steam or water extraction methods, you are not subject to TTB requirements. If you produce essential oils by a solvent method and you get alcohol as a by-product of your process, we consider that distilling. Even though you are using and recovering purchased alcohol, you are separating the alcohol from a mixture -distilling."

Per the bolded, technically, we're separating ethyl alcohol from a mixture. I've already talked to a relative who's an attorney about this when I wanted to build a similar system years ago. This system likely will get you arrested, unless the local LE just ignores it. Your states laws don't matter. Arrests for moonshining have dramatically gone up since the stupid TV shows have been on.

Right back at you.
Didn't Say It Was Legal At The Federal Level And You Point Is???
Didn't Say It Was Legal At The Federal Level And You Point Is???
My point is that you said distillation was legal in your state. It's not legal at the federal level, so it's not state legal. People need to fully understand the possible repercussions of owning an unlicensed copper coil still and running alcohol through it. Ignorance of the law is no excuse once LEO gets involved. It's as true as MJ being legal in the states that allow it. Neither are truly legal, there are just different levels of enforcement. The ATF says it's illegal everywhere, unless federally licensed, and, unlike MJ, the Feds have never said they will respect states laws about distillation, as far as I can find. So even in MJ legal states this could get you arrested on illegal production charges.
This thread is still going? Amazing how much some of you have invested into a debate about whether a device meant to recover Pentane is a still.

I buy Pentane at Lab Pros in Sunnyvale, CA. Nobody checks my ID. Nobody cares whether I pay in cash or check or credit card.

People who consume concentrates while whining about being possibly sanctioned by the Feds over this contraption are proving why they call it dope.

And anybody, this includes you Mr. Edward, who offers advice on how to make a tool meant to be used in the extraction of THC, is participating in a conspiracy. You are breaking the law by offering your pretend expertise. Speaking of pretend expertise, Google up DEA and a list of Schedule 1 and 2 chemicals. Check out the chemicals listed on the special surveillance list. Notice what is not on that list. Then comeback and explain why buying something that is not on the list the DEA maintains of chemicals used in the manufacture of whatever has caused you so much angst.

Come on dude. Think about it. You know that Butane is used to extract oil. You know you can buy Butane at any head shop and at many grow stores. Butane is a hydrocarbon, just like Pentane. Does anybody, other than maybe you, worry about the Feds finding out they have purchased a can of Whip-It? Hell, how many of you are worried that the Feds are going to confiscate the records from Head shops and then use them to track you down? Better bury that bong boys and girls and best hope you never used plastic at your local head shop or at any ATM near one.

"The same chemical supply stores who keep a tally of how much you buy and when you buy it and then freely hand these records over to the cops." -- Chris Edward

What a blowhard. This guy talks smack like he's some sort of expert but he has not a clue. He claims Pentane is hard to find. When shown it is not, he claims if I buy it, the supplier will happily narc on me. A simple thought experiment about Butane and Head Shops shows how ridiculous his crusade is. I have bought Pentane with cash. Nobody has ever checked my ID. You can buy the stuff on Amazon.

This fool doesn't even check before he asserts. He offers advice on how to manufacture the device so that it will have more consumer appeal but doesn't think he is participating in the crime he is warning you all about. He seems to have a very high opinion of his opinions and show signs of being stalker who can't stand that somebody is doing something he doesn't have the balls to do. Twenty posts and counting!! He even thinks the folks selling this silly little device will steal from another blow hard who says he can do better for less but has yet to do so. I'eve got new for you all. These guys are selling it. Go ahead and report them to the Feds. I am sure they have no tools that scour the internet for illicit activity so do your parts. Save the world!! Narc on 'em. See how far that goes.

There are a lot of angry people out there who are jealous of anybody who has the balls to go for it. I did not expect to find so many self righteous types in forum about weed. This Chris Edward dude is a real piece of work.

He uses a photo of a Physicist named Michio Kaku. Chris isn't too worried about any damage he doing to the reputation of Mr. Kaku. In fact, using the Doctor's image in a forum about the use of a Federally illegal class oh boy narcotic could be considered defamatory. It certainly is rude. Shall we go down this road Chris? Are you not exposing yourself and the owners of this forum to legal jeopardy by using a photo of a respected Physicists professor to post in forum about illegal drug usage

Or are you world renowned string field theorist Dr. Michio Kaku? If so, I retract my assertion that you are an pissed off blow hard.

I need a hit.
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I wanted to let everyone know that is no longer up. It appears it was acquired by I Love Growing Marijuana.
So those reviews are no longer there.
We did get this review in our email.

Been using the system for a few weeks now, and loving it. I’ve cleaned up poorly filtered concentrates, extracted directly from flowers, and even cleaned a few grinders/bowls with the system with awesome results!

Reclaiming pentane is probably the most fundamental benefit to the closed loop system, and after maybe a dozen or so extractions, I still have about 400ml left of the initial Liter purchased when first getting the system.

There is a tip in the instruction manual that comes with the system (the manual should honestly be on the website, great info) that says to triple check your seal and the threading of the lids to ensure no gas will escape. I have only messed this up once and thankfully nothing was lost, but this is the ONLY fail point of the system and it’s only susceptible to user error.

I cannot say enough about how great it is to extract at home with such little effort and time. Now that I have the process down, it’s about an hour from the fridge to pure extract. The manual says use a towel to keep the heat in on the hot side, another fabulous tip, and this makes things go by VERY FAST.

The passivity of just using heated water is great, you know the temperature can only go down from there, and you can hit just the right temp (even constantly boiling water is only 212 degrees, much lower than any terpene boiling point) to remove your solvent and not disturb the product. Now that i have things down, I evaporate nearly all the pentane and then take some reclaimed solvent to loosen up the hot side, just enough to get things moving and then quickly pour onto parchment paper covering the included petri dish. It’s damn near impossible to get all the extract off the dish once the pentane purges, but with paper and another 15-20 minutes on a candle warmer with a fan blowing, the purge process is quick and easy too. You may have to come by with a dab tool and poke some of the bubbles as you go, just to move things along.

Anyway I love the system since so much is thought out already and with easy to obtain household items. I have seen some online scoff at the pricing but they must not have done the math. With all the stuff included and the specially shaped steel piping, it would be hard to find a way to make these materials much cheaper. And either way, you’re taking the time to build it all which is something often overlooked in DIY costs. I’m far more interested in extracting oils than I am bending steel, sourcing fittings, and engineering just the right design to handle all the needs of the build.

Thanks for this system! It’s a great addition to the DIY extraction community

Please feel free to use my review on your site!


I encourage any and all of our customers to submit their own review.
how about that rosin huh? built my own heat plates/pid and a 12 ton press from harbor freight costs about 300 bucks. if you are still fucking with solvents on a personal level you are dumb.

solvents and ethanol are for extracting LITERS OF OIL. peroid.