Review my descrete setup please!


New Member
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I saw another guy doing it. I live with my dad and have tried to convince him that using cannabis has helped with my insomnia, but the ignorance is too strong. Irregardless, I am going to continue to use and I want other people to tell me if there are any flaws in my setup. My dad has a good nose, would search my room only if suspicious, and so far has not drug tested me but would only do so with prior notice and extreme suspicion. My setup would include a smoke-buddy, ozium, a g pen elite vaporizer, and a small grinder. I have made the measurements, and the g pen, grinder, and any weed or vaporized herb would fit inside of a bible stash book. This would be with other religious books to look non-suspicious and the smoke-buddy would be in a hiding spot on my desk as I don't think it will fit in the stash book. The ozium is fine to be kept out as it has other purposes than to conceal weed smell. Basically what I'd do is I would take out the bible, load already grounded weed into the chamber of the vaporizer, use with a smoke buddy, put back everything into the stash book and replace the book in its spot, and then spray ozium in the area just in case. I would clean all my supplies, buy weed, grind weed, charge my vaporizer, and throw out vaporized herb when he is not home. Do you see anyway I could get caught? Oh and by the way please don't lecture me on the whole "If you have to hide your weed smoking you shouldn't be doing it" kind of crap because I've heard it and I've made the decision to carry through with this. Any input other than helping me towards my setup will be kindly disregarded. Since this is also the grow room I will say I am growing 3 FastBuds auto flower girl scout cookies in a discrete place outdoors on our land that my dad would never check and is safe from inspection. My only problem is getting around drying the weed. Curing and storing will not be an issue as I have a location for them. I just don't want smelly buds drying in my closet for a 3-7 days. Any suggestions on that or how to dry outside would be greatly appreciated as well! Sorry for writing so much but I needed to be as specific as possible!
Well, I will not tell you that if you have to hide it don't smoke it...

There are many reasons why a minor should not be ingesting THC in any form...your brain is just developing and is very delicate. My suggestion is to wait until you grow up (at least 21). By then you should have a place of your own and can do what ever the heck you want.

If you are an adult and not a minor...I apologize.. no rudeness intended.


old hippie.jpg
Well, I will not tell you that if you have to hide it don't smoke it...

There are many reasons why a minor should not be ingesting THC in any form...your brain is just developing and is very delicate. My suggestion is to wait until you grow up (at least 21). By then you should have a place of your own and can do what ever the heck you want.

If you are an adult and not a minor...I apologize.. no rudeness intended.

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Sorry if that was not clear to you or to anyone else. Yes I am an adult I attend university and am home for the summer. I'd like to not go months on end without using my medicine.
Smoke outside.
Discreet is spelled this way.
Irregardless is a double negative common amongst the brothers.

Good luck