Reversing light on and off hours.


Well-Known Member
For the past week and next week my state as had been in a heat wave. Temps have hit 105-107F in the past few days. Even with the A/C on my temps inside my bin have gone up to 95F. Because of this it would probably be best to switch to light on hours to be during the dark(around 7-8PM) and the light off hours to be during the light. Right now it's the opposite and I have the lights coming on during the morning and off during the evening to minimize the chance of light leaks. If I was to switch to lights to the reverse of what they are now would it be best to just go for it and switch it and slowly switch the light hours.

If I chose the latter how would I go about doing so and if I choose the former what are the chances I would stress my plants/the possible consequences? Plants have shown obvious signs of heat stress and a/c isn't cutting it. Not going to buy a portable a/c unit and a window a/c unit isn't allowed in apartments. Ambient temp in my room(where the bin is) is 86F and despite having the a/c set to 74F and having it on all day has not decreased since the temps outside hit triple digits.


Well-Known Member
That's a bit confusing sorry. I'm in flower and it's light off right now. If I switched it would light on, but I've already had about 10 hours of light. Are you saying I should just leave the lights off till it's time tomorrow afternoon to turn them on?


Well-Known Member
That's a bit confusing sorry. I'm in flower and it's light off right now. If I switched it would light on, but I've already had about 10 hours of light. Are you saying I should just leave the lights off till it's time tomorrow afternoon to turn them on?
reread this. Do not go under 12 hours of dark. So when lights are out leave them out till the new time you want lights on.