Reverse Osmosis Or Dechlorinator


Active Member
Do I have to use reverse osmosis or can I get by with a dechlorinator, its about a 100 dollar difference and this is the only thing keeping me from starting my indoor grow. Also my tap water right now come out with a EC 0.38 and PH 8.3


Well-Known Member
Before you go dropping big bucks on something you may or may not need, I'd suggest getting a city water report so you know exactly what is in your water. PPM is only part of the equation.
It really depends like homebrewer was saying when I was trying to make that decision I chose the RO filtration because our city water was awful so we use it to drink as well as feed the ladies.


Active Member
you going hydro or soil?

also chlorin evaporates so just leave your water in the sun for a day and most of it will have evaporated

bob stine

my water is 330+ ppm and i can't push my nutes over 1300 or osmotic pressure seems to increase and plants wilt the next day soon as i add distilled water they jump back up so i'm sure its water (has to many solids in it)


Well-Known Member
I have chloramine as well but only 2.8 ppm Total ppm for tap hovers around 20 so not really worried as the rest is calcium and other trace minerals that plants need anyways. However, in my research I discovered that RO systems DO NOT get rid of chloramines, they will pass through the membranes. You need a carbon filter to get rid of chloramines. That or you can hit your res with a high concentration of chlorine at a ph of 7 and it will break the chemical bonds of the chloramine and them off gas as chlorine. Your hovering around 200 ppm (nacl) so I would probably b
pick up a ro system that has a carbon filter and take one less worry out of the equation


Well-Known Member
prices are too good. my ppm's out the tap are water!!! not for consumption!!! lol. i am getting the $58 dollar one


Well-Known Member
I have chloramine as well but only 2.8 ppm Total ppm for tap hovers around 20 so not really worried as the rest is calcium and other trace minerals that plants need anyways. However, in my research I discovered that RO systems DO NOT get rid of chloramines, they will pass through the membranes. You need a carbon filter to get rid of chloramines. That or you can hit your res with a high concentration of chlorine at a ph of 7 and it will break the chemical bonds of the chloramine and them off gas as chlorine. Your hovering around 200 ppm (nacl) so I would probably b
pick up a ro system that has a carbon filter and take one less worry out of the equation
I don't think I've ever seen an r/o unit that did NOT have a carbon prefilter.:?

bob stine

i use giant eagle distilled water for 85 cent gallon problem is with hempy's you use alot of water as the pots get bigger and their run to waste systems so with rock wool setup it wasnt so bad, but with hempy which i prefer...well its alot of water every day


Active Member
Bumping this.
I'm coming to this same issue. 8+ ph and have not tested EC but by the look of our shower heads it's heavy. Is RO the only option? Are human consumption water filters just not enough to remove solids?


Active Member
According to my research on the internet, yeah reverse osmosis is the only way to go to remove tds/ppms from water, im using a brita tap water filter right now and all its good for is to remove the excess chlorine in the water it doesn't change my ec's at all, and I guess the expensive dechlorinators are going to do the same, so im saving my money before I start my next grow.

bob stine

i hear only R/O removes chloramines and most water co.s don't use regular chlorine anymore so it doesn't evaporate in the air by letting the water stand

chiro grower

Active Member
I am definitely ordering one of the 150 GPD systems. I have a similar system that can only do 18 GPD when it's good but I need to replace the RO filter which is normally like $100! So screw that for an extra $10 I can get a FAR superior system that pumps out almost 10 times more water. I HATE waiting for my 50 gal res to fill up all week... ugh. I drink a ton of water and it constantly pisses me off giving up my own for my girls to be watered.