Revenge stories or ideas


Well-Known Member
I had this ex that was like the fucking plague. Except she didn't kill me. Not for lack of effort. Anyway, I used to wish revenge on her and sometimes woke up smiling from dreams where my hands were tight around her neck. Maybe because I just procrastinated, maybe due to finding the weed, but for whatever reason I never did anything about it. Then years later I find out she is a blazed out meth whore with a scorching case of herpes who can't go back home to her trailer because she burned up local guys who are looking for her. So time would be the best revenge story I could tell, but it was sweeter than anything I ever imagined doing. I recommend.

Pat the stoner

New Member
I had a friend who got on crack really bad and stole about $1500.00 worth of tools from me . I also dreamed of all kind of shit too . Finally got tired of carrying all that aingst around and forgave him . He then got hooked on oxy then heroin really bad and died miserably . Funny thing - I would have given all of what I have left to have my friend back the way he was before the heavy addictions when we just smoked and shot the shit . But I was thinking more along the lines of worthless motherfuckers who never seem to be any good for anything getting it good .


Well-Known Member
Dude...guys...that's karma. Not revenge. But ok, for this story let's just use the names Jack and Jill, OK? Jack and Jill are together for seven or eight months with no major incidences, and then one day Jack and Jill argue and Jack smacks Jill so hard at the top of a flight of stairs that she ends up very hurt at the bottom of them. Jill buys massive amounts of drugs, puts them in little baggies, stashes the baggies in his car under the seat, waits for him to drive it, and then calls the police and says he's dealing out of his car. Jack is pissed. But Jack is in jail. Poor Jack.

P.S. Jill didn't dream shit until her work was done.


Active Member
Story from a friend: (from his perspective) I like to think its true.

So we went out to a bar/club one night with "Joey" (not real name). Well we all know Joey gets a little stupid and aggressive when he is drunk. So Joey happens to see this gay guy hanging out minding his own business. Joey proceeds to try and start shit with the gay guy.

Gay guy (GG): "look man I dont want to start shit, I'm just here to chill with my friends"

Joey: "Oh what?! You a pussy? What are you even doing here fag?!"

GG: "I'm just going to sit here and chill, I wasn't bothering you." Turns around.

Joey: continues to harass the guy. Comes back to the bar for a drink and somewhat shoves the guy and say something along the line of "move it dick sucker"

GG: "ok buddy, there is only one thing I like more than sucking dick and thats fighting"

GG proceeds to give Joey the ass kicking of his life. I mean this dude layed him out.


Well-Known Member
Giving a person ex-lax? Its a stool softener and will make a person completely empty their bowels. They will be on the toilet for hours. Slip a little of that into somebody's food or drink. If it was a guy, maybe even slip some Viagra in with the ex lax also, so when hes on the toilet, when he has to piss he'll probably piss on the ceiling lol. Now that's some nasty revenge. :bigjoint:


Ursus marijanus
I have an epic revenge story.

My sister was mad at me this one time. Just before our ride for school came, she poured dishwashing liquid (back in the days when it was an antifreeze-green syrup that would etch chrome steel, none of the biodegradable babyfood with which the greens have saddled us today) on my dental appliance. I had no time left, so had no choice but to taste the full spiky glories of mid-20th-century household chemistry all the way to school.

I vowed revenge.

That evening while she was watching some tripe like the Bionic Woman, I expoloited a recent discovery.
Wads of soaked toilet paper, when tossed against the ceiling, stay there. Some forever, others ... not.
So I underhanded maybe a dozen wet wads at the ceiling right over the head of her bed. The ceiling was painted the exact off-white of soaked Charmin.

That night when she went to bed, I lay awake across the hall and listened for the sweet sound of victory ... a soft wet plop immediately followed by a scream. Two screams ... the first one just a sound, the second arguably conforming to the rhythm of my name.

Over the next week, escalations ensued, but they didn't have that piquant edge of the unexpected. cn


Well-Known Member
Ohh lol I remember those days! I grew up with a sister and I was always doing shit like that to her. My favorite was to clean the toilet with her toothbrush, lightly rinse it off, then put it back in the medicine cabinet lol. So gross. Can't believe I did that. I always hid my toothbrush in my room lol. Just in case she figured it out...


Well-Known Member
When I was in A-stan in 02 a guy in my platoon stole my knife. One day I saw him coming out of my tent while I was doing laundry in Khandahar, the only thing that was missing was a knife that he had complimented earlier. Pretty much deduction at that point, but a few days later, I saw the knife in his possession. I asked him about it and he said that he only complimented because he had one just like it and that he didn't know how I lost mine, but he didn't know that I had seen him from a distance in Khandahar.

I pretty much just let it go and forgot about it but later on, I was inured and was assigned to an admin job. I worked my way to become the person who records information in promotion boards. Let's just say his discharge papers have him listed as an E-4 upon ETS.


Well-Known Member
Dude...guys...that's karma. Not revenge. But ok, for this story let's just use the names Jack and Jill, OK? Jack and Jill are together for seven or eight months with no major incidences, and then one day Jack and Jill argue and Jack smacks Jill so hard at the top of a flight of stairs that she ends up very hurt at the bottom of them. Jill buys massive amounts of drugs, puts them in little baggies, stashes the baggies in his car under the seat, waits for him to drive it, and then calls the police and says he's dealing out of his car. Jack is pissed. But Jack is in jail. Poor Jack.m

P.S. Jill didn't dream shit until her work was done.
holy Fuck!!!! Now that's a revenge story...good for "jill" u hit a woman u should be in jail anyway...glad jill didn't take it and run back


Well-Known Member
I pushed my sisters face into an ant hill when I was a kid, she probably took one of my nerf guns or something lol


a cop beat the hell out of my dad one night on the side of the road........ the cop is now a real estate agent....... i pull up his signs every time i c one.......


Well-Known Member
Let's see...shot my brother a few times with a bb gun...tricked a kid into drinking pee tainted Gatorade...oh and my favorite I was at a party once with a bunch of people from the ship I was stationed group of friends were very openly lesbian aaaaaanyway this guy starts talking about how anyone who is gay is a Terri le person blah blah blah well finally one of the girls had enough and asked me to shut him up so we started doing sail races (ice cube tray filled with beer start on opposite ends and suck the beer out with a straw first one done wins) so to shut him up I bet him$20 he couldn't beat a girl and of course he accepted...what he didn't know was that it wasn't beer in the tray just pee (swear im not obsessed with urine) race starts she drops her straw he finishes the whole tray before he realizes what he drank...he made a bee line for the door to cheers from just about the whole party...good times


Well-Known Member

Break into the victims car. This works best with a manual. Dismantle the door opening mechanism for the inside handle, so you can't get out from the inside driver side. Super glue a can of pepper spray under the clutch or break. They have to push one of these pedals for the car to start. On the bottom of the pedal super glue a sharp screw that will penatrate the can when pushed down. Then they go to fire up the car, it will fill the car with pepper spray with them inside. Because you dismantled the door opening mechanism they are trapped inside until they crawl over to the passenger side.

The victim of this will likely require medical attention and could die from suffocation. For safety purposes I cannot recomed doing this to anyone ever. If you do, i suggest you DO NOT include the step that traps the victim in the car.

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
My brother gave a friend of his access to my computer .. my brother in into computer networking, his girlfriend in into black men .. lolz
Silence is the best revenge sometimes .. and he's moving out with her :fire:


Well-Known Member
Just remembered another one. (Don't judge me). Alright Jill dates losers sometimes, whatever. We all make mistakes. Johnny and Jill work together. They start fucking. Jill ends up, oh yes, pregnant. Johnny, that slimy little loser, just stops talking to Jill when he finds out. Juuuust won't talk to her. Jill is legitimately upset. Johnny leaves his jacket in the break room...with his set of keys in the pocket. Jill sees it, takes it, and runs out the door. Jill spends her lunchbreak copying those keys and returns the jacket before Johnny notices it's gone. Johnny switches to night shift to avoid Jill, which is ridiculous and insulting because Jill has not attempted to get Johnny to talk to her. She figures it's pointless. But night shift works for Jill. Because now it's dark when Johnny's at work. Skip ahead a bit... The police call Jill. Someone has poured gasoline all over the inside of his truck, lit it, and it.....burned....down. Jill got her tubes tied. Jack can go fuck himself. He rides a bike around town now.


Well-Known Member
Not true revenge but Karma.

I hooked up with a lady who had older kids who had left the nest. But they were young and needed some assistance. So I gave what I could and did what I could around the house. Anyways, the economy crashed and I ran out of money. Guess what happened...

Yup, I was out and bankrupt. They had pulled over $150,000 out of me.

A year later, she had a massive heart attack.

Tee Hee.


Well-Known Member
Just remembered another one. (Don't judge me). Alright Jill dates losers sometimes, whatever. We all make mistakes. Johnny and Jill work together. They start fucking. Jill ends up, oh yes, pregnant. Johnny, that slimy little loser, just stops talking to Jill when he finds out. Juuuust won't talk to her. Jill is legitimately upset. Johnny leaves his jacket in the break room...with his set of keys in the pocket. Jill sees it, takes it, and runs out the door. Jill spends her lunchbreak copying those keys and returns the jacket before Johnny notices it's gone. Johnny switches to night shift to avoid Jill, which is ridiculous and insulting because Jill has not attempted to get Johnny to talk to her. She figures it's pointless. But night shift works for Jill. Because now it's dark when Johnny's at work. Skip ahead a bit... The police call Jill. Someone has poured gasoline all over the inside of his truck, lit it, and it.....burned....down. Jill got her tubes tied. Jack can go fuck himself. He rides a bike around town now.
The kid is not my son! Jill is evil!
-Love, Johnny
