• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

REVENGE!!!! plz read


New Member
sabotage that fuckin palce. just do little things here and there that will set them back a little bit. nothin to crazy or ur askin for trouble.


Active Member
you could just get some superglue and wait till the place closes and walk around to their door locks and squirt 1 tube of superglue per lock! easy quick silent and such a pain in the ass to fix its hard to even change the locks when you cant get inside because all the locks are siezed up.


Well-Known Member
you could just get some superglue and wait till the place closes and walk around to their door locks and squirt 1 tube of superglue per lock! easy quick silent and such a pain in the ass to fix its hard to even change the locks when you cant get inside because all the locks are siezed up.
Yea dude, that's a perfect perfect idea. Honestly one of the best out there.

I planted like 20 bag seeds in an annoying neighbours garden that they never weeded, looked like a mess....anyways after about 2 months when you could start noticing the plants, I called the cops and reported them. Buddy was jailed for a week, and mega fines. All i have to say is he had it commin.

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Yea dude, that's a perfect perfect idea. Honestly one of the best out there.

I planted like 20 bag seeds in an annoying neighbours garden that they never weeded, looked like a mess....anyways after about 2 months when you could start noticing the plants, I called the cops and reported them. Buddy was jailed for a week, and mega fines. All i have to say is he had it commin.
I am not trying to start a fight, I just want to say that is not cool.
That person could have lost everything/

I am stepping off of my high horse now.


Active Member
have a bunch of people set appointments all day so they think they have tons of business and make sure none of them show up. that should cost $300+ worth of losses.


Well-Known Member
thats a good one, another one is lift there car an inch, cut the top of there tire open, pour in wet cement and let drie

or thermite!! rust and alluminum ground together and llit with a mag. srtip

or well here fuck it u find one download the anarky cookbook!!

that deserves sum +rep fder me :clap:


Well-Known Member
the thermite is my fav!! it burns throo ANYTHING eingine, streets, metal, plastic, titanium, EVERYTHING!!!!! and it really FUN!


Well-Known Member
Shaving Cream Bomb --------EXODUS

-This may not really be what we would consider a bomb, but it is a
helluva great idea to phuck someone over. You will need:
(1)-person you hate who has a car
(1)-container of liquid nitrogen (try a science shop, or Edmund
Scientific, mentioned in several places in this Cookbook)
(6-10)-cans of generic shaving cream
(1)-free afternoon (preferably in FREEZING temperatures outside)
(1-or more)-pairs of pliars, for cutting and peeling
some phriends

Find someone who owns a small compact car, and manage to find out
where he keeps it at night (or while he is away!) Be able to open
the car repeatedly.. Place a can in the liquid nitrogen for about 30
sec. Take it out and carefully and QUICKLY peel off the metal
outside container, and you should have a frozen "block" of shaving
cream. (It helps to have more than one container, and more phriends)
Toss it into the car and do the same with all the cans. A dozen or
more "blocks" like this can fill and lightly PRESSURIZE a small
car. When he opens the door (hopefully he doesn't realize the mess
inside due to the foggy windows), he will be covered with lbs of
shaving cream that is a bitch to get out of upholstry.

PS!- Try to get one in is his glove compartment!!!!!


Well-Known Member

This is one of my favorites. This creates a very unstable explosive in a very
stable continer. You will need:

1) A two-ended bottle. These are kinda hard to find, you have to look around,
but if you cant find one, you will need a similar container in which there
are two totally seperate sides that are airtight and accessable at the ends,
like this:
!airtight seperator!
| | |
/ | \
---- | ----
| c | | |c |
| a | | | a |
|___p| | |__p_|
\ | /
| | |
the seperator MUST remain airtight/watertight so this doesn't blow off your
arm in the process (believe me. it will if you are not exact)
2) Pure potassium. Not Salt Peter, or any shit like that. This must be the
pure element. This again may prove hard to find. Try a school chemistry
teacher. Tell her you need it for a project, or some shit like that. Try
to get the biggest piece you can, because this works best if it a solid
chuck, not a powder. You can also try Edmund Scientific Co. at:
Dept. 11A6
C929 Edscorp Bldg.
Barrington, NJ 08007

or call 1-(609)-547-8880

3) Cotton

4) Water


Take the cotton and stuff some into one end of the container lining one side
of the seperator. Place some potassiun, about the size of a quarter or
bigger (CAREFULLY, and make sure your hands are PERFECTLY DRY, this stuff
reacts VERY VIOLENTLY with water) into that side and pack it in tightly with
all the cotton you can fit. Now screw the cap on TIGHTLY.
On the other side of the seperator, fill it with as much water as will
fit, and screw that cap on TIGHTLY. You are now in possession of a compact
explosive made somewhat stable. To explode, throw it at something! The water
will react with the potassium, and BBBOOOOOOMMMM!!! Works great on windows
or windshields, because the glass fragments go everywhere (stand back) and
rip stuff apart. The bigger the piece, the bigger the boom. If no potassium
can be found, thy looking for PURE Sodium, it works well too.
EXODUS relenquishes any responsibility to anyone who attempts this.
You are on your own.......

PS: you could also place this little sucker under the wheel of a car of
someone you hate...(Wait till' they back over that one!!!).



Well-Known Member
want sum more, i got ABOUT 192 of em from bombs to stealing to just st8 up MEAN, a god damn arsenol of fucked up things


Well-Known Member
Ammonium triiodide crystals are foul-smelling purple colored crystals
that decompose under the slightest amount of heat, friction, or shock, if they
are made with the purest ammonia (ammonium hydroxide) and iodine. Such
crystals are said to detonate when a fly lands on them, or when an ant walks
across them. Household ammonia, however, has enough impurities, such as soaps
and abrasive agents, so that the crystals will detonate when thrown,crushed,
or heated. Ammonia, when bought in stores comes in a variety of forms. The
pine and cloudy ammonias should not be bought; only the clear ammonia should
be used to make ammonium triiodide crystals. Upon detonation, a loud report is
heard, and a cloud of purple iodine gas appears about the detonation site.
Whatever the unfortunate surface that the crystal was detonated upon will
usually be ruined, as some of the iodine in the crystal is thrown about in a
solid form, and iodine is corrosive. It leaves nasty, ugly, permanent
brownish-purple stains on whatever it contacts. Iodine gas is also bad news,
since it can damage lungs, and it settles to the ground and stains things
there also. Touching iodine leaves brown stains on the skin that last for
about a week, unless they are immediately and vigorously washed off. While
such a compound would have little use to a serious terrorist, a vandal could
utilize them in damaging property. Or, a terrorist could throw several of
them into a crowd as a distraction, an action which would possibly injure a
few people, but frighten almost anyone, since a small crystal that may not be
seen when thrown produces a rather loud explosion.
Ammonium triiodide crystals could be produced in the following manner:
Materials Equipment
iodine crystals funnel and filter paper
paper towels
clear ammonia
(ammonium hydroxide, two throw-away glass jars
for the suicidal)
1) Place about two teaspoons of iodine into one of the glass jars. The jars
must both be throw away because they will never be clean again.
2) Add enough ammonia to completely cover the iodine.
3) Place the funnel into the other jar, and put the filter paper in the
funnel. The technique for putting filter paper in a funnel is taught in
every basic chemistry lab class: fold the circular paper in half, so that a
semi-circle is formed. Then, fold it in half again to form a triangle with
one curved side. Pull one thickness of paper out to form a cone, and place
the cone into the funnel.
4) After allowing the iodine to soak in the ammonia for a while, pour the
solution into the paper in the funnel through the filter paper.
5) While the solution is being filtered, put more ammonia into the first jar
to wash any remaining crystals into the funnel as soon as it drains.
6) Collect all the purplish crystals without touching the brown filter paper,
and place them on the paper towels to dry for about an hour. Make sure
that they are not too close to any lights or other sources of heat, as they
could well detonate. While they are still wet, divide the wet material into
eight pieces of about the same size.
7) After they dry, gently place the crystals onto a one square inch piece of
duct tape. Cover it with a similar piece, and gently press the duct tape
together around the crystal, making sure not to press the crystal itself.
Finally, cut away most of the excess duct tape with a pair of scissors, and
store the crystals in a cool dry safe place. They have a shelf life of
about a week, and they should be stored in individual containers that can
be thrown away, since they have a tendency to slowly decompose, a process
which gives off iodine vapors, which will stain whatever they settle on.
One possible way to increase their shelf life is to store them in airtight
containers. To use them, simply throw them against any surface or place
them where they will be stepped on or crushed.


Well-Known Member
have some one with lice go in to get there hair done!! OR have a buddie that can be a ass Waite till the shop is full and go in screaming that thy picked up lice the last time thy was there run every one out of the store!!


Well-Known Member
Phunn With Shotgun Shells

This phile is for those have no concern for themselves or the person they
wanna fuck over with this. (in short, a fucking MANIAC!!!)

Shotgun shells are wonderful. They can be used in almost any situation where
pain or amputation of limbs is concerned (including your own if you are not
XTREEMLY careful. The best way to use shells, is the DoorBlam. The DoorBlam is
a simple concoction of a shell taped to the back of a door with the ignition
button facing away from the door (so it blows out against the door). Now
position it somewhere where it will do the damage you want. ie- near the top
for decapitation, middle for slow death, or low to make the victims kneecaps
fly across the room. Now tape a thumbtack against a wall or something that
that part of the door bumps up against. Tape it to the wall so that the point
pokes through the tape, and position it so it will hit the ignit. button upon
impact... Its that simple. Instant pain!

Long Range Explosives
These are THE most difficult explosive i have ever tried to make (people i know
have lost fingers and hands to this little fucker) IF you have a VVVVERY still
hand, it might be accomplished. Ignit. buttons usually take some force to
make it blow, so CAREFULLY & LIGHTLY push a tack through tape and tape it to
the back of the shell, with the tip of the tack LIGHTLY touching the button.
Add more tape to the back to hold the pin in place. If you still have hands at
this point, consider yourself lucky. Now you need to add a weight to the
tack-end part to make sure it hits the ground first. Taping small rocks or
making the shell by putting heavy loads towards the button helps. Placing a
cracker (yes a cracker (Saltines, anyone ?)) between the tack-point and the
button helps prevent detonation upon THROWING, which DOES happen. Now toss
it up high and AWAY from you, and RUN LIKE SHIT does after you eat Mexican.


Well-Known Member
ok....anyone have any ideas that doesn't include domestic terrorism? Maybe were going of the deep end here? Dude, it's a fucking hair salon.


Active Member
honestly set false appointments with like a cycle of 3 people. do it for a couple days and thats $0 made per day. or do it as long as $300 is worth.


Active Member
HAhahHaaa yea i kno. just thrown sum 'ideas' out thats all.:fire:
dude youre a funny bastard! if it were more money id prob be looking more at what youre saying! but so far i think i like the superglue, and the setting of appointments. i still need about 2 or 3 more things i can do to them. i always make double or tripple trouble for people that fuck with me so keep the ideas comming in! u come at me with a knife im bringing a gernade!!


Well-Known Member
ive just been fucked over a few times wen i moved to so-cal, so looked into sum things to do, but found a gang!!:-P