Revenge of Rene's random rambles


Weed Modifier
im good...just getting high and chillin...i see your vibes are effecting things around you...happens to me allot too ;)


Well-Known Member
That is one creepy pic you got there Grrouch..

just droppn by to say hello folks. I see lime, Trance, Rene and my man Canna thanks for bringing along the wipes sounds like dopestick could for sure use them..
cheers guys

Rene im gonna try to post a pic of your GSC later im just now having my morning coffee before I head down to check on them for the first time in over a week.


Well-Known Member
Ok well here is the update pic of Rambling Rene's Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookie plant, she is starting to take root in her new bucket so wont be long before she starts really taking off and I move her out of the momma room and into the house.. Im gonna keep her on the root juice for another week before she gets her first taste of the compost tea.

Cheers momma Grizzz hope you like it...
