Reveg's and seedplants, 6 strains and more to come

Thought its about time for an update :) i really need to get a diary and start writing dates down about the plants as i havnt got a clue lol all i know is that the AK AI BS MK and the NL are abot 4 days older then maturesmokers MK's i will try and work out some dates in a bit and will post back, i really need to be more organised.:?

Apart from the disaster i mentioned in the last post everythings going smoothly, i did tie them all down but changed my mind yesterday and removed the string!! they have nearly totally straightend out even though they were tied down for 48 hours!! i little crooked but they will be ok.

I came home the other day to the temps at 98!! plants were fine and didnt suffer one bit, so now to help i bought a cheap extraction pipe from B&Q and fixed it to the shade and it dropped the temps nicely :) it really depends on if its sunny or not beacause when the weathers nice all it does is suck warm air out of the loft but today it was horrible and the temps were at 78 which is a big difference but with winter round the corner it wont happen very often.

still waiting for the trainwreck seeds but they will prob be a while yet so gonna order some more on thursday, dunno if to get the same strains as the last failed seeds or pick some others will make up my mind by the end of the night and will let you all know.

heres a few pics for you to see

first up is the AK47

heres the Aurora indica

the incy wincy brainstorm :) also been downsized a pot as its a slow one and was taking to up to much room

The master kush, this has the most side branching out of them all

and the northern lights :)

and a few of inside the cab, hopefully be putting the re-veg back in there soon to flower :)



So you have the 250 HPS in that little cab? That's awesome!! :) what size is that cab?

yep thats the 250w :) when i got some spare cash i may upgrade to a 400w as that would be perfect, the 250 isnt really man enough to cover the whole floor in a decent amount of light it can cover it but it needs to be pretty high like 12" but i like to keep it no more then 6" from the plants, we will see how this 250 can handle 8 plants under it first!!!!

the measurements are h 44" W 34" D 18 " i also measured the tallest plant which is the ak47 and shes standing at a whooping 8" lol i thing they do seem to be growing alot quicker now :)
well here are the next two strains on the list, decided not to go with the other failures :cry: always a hard decision picking what strains but heres they are

first up is a true classic

next up is ak48 ( i wish the last time i ordered these i got femd seeds but i didnt and got 2 males! if i went with femd seeds i would have two lovely ak's coming up to chop :-| )
Oh, sounds like it. I always thought it would be cool to be a welder, hot, but a decent job. Can't wait for the new beans to come in!
Oh, sounds like it. I always thought it would be cool to be a welder, hot, but a decent job. Can't wait for the new beans to come in!

yep it sure is hot! alot worst in the summer though.

new beans should be here tomorrow :) also popped out earlier and got a few thing to finish the veg cab should be in use by saturday. and i took a cutting from the MK earlier might take one more tomorrow, she was the only one out of them with any proper side branching will affect the yield abit but hopefully she will root and eventually make up.
all good cheers fella, huge drought period but am back on the grow (just to give my liver a rest if nothing else!) :) Just catching up on your exploits since I was last here, all looking very nice Sir :)
all good cheers fella, huge drought period but am back on the grow (just to give my liver a rest if nothing else!) :) Just catching up on your exploits since I was last here, all looking very nice Sir :)

That's good then mog, look forward to seeing what you do this time, get a journal on the go dude that g13 was a beast!

decided to go with a different growing style this time round and hope it works out all going smoothly so far apart from the fungus knats that killed my blue mystic seedling.

mostly inspired by maturesmokers grow style :) gotta love what he does in that cab so have taken that kind of approach.

cheers mog
Yo tam wots on bro, lookin good. The sad thing is i like giving advice but am at a loss when i come on your thread!
Didn't know what to say. COOL:clap::leaf::bigjoint:
hey everyone got the new beans today so got them germing straight away :) Nirvanas White Widow and for the third time ak48, have been germing for about four hours and hoping for them to be in pots sunday night.

Also got the veg cab nearly done just got to fit one pc fan exhausting to the loft via a chimney with a passive intake, only using 1 45w 6400k cfl at the moment once i get the extraction sorted will fit the other 45w cfl.

As im skint i had to make use of the knat fly contaminated westlands advance i had out in the green house, i microwaved it bit by bit!! took me over an hour but im sure all those fuckers are dead now :twisted: i found a few earthworms in it after i nuked it and they didnt smell very nice lol, thats whats in the tub in the veg cab pic incase you thought i had a pet tarantula in there!!!

If i ever upgrade to a 400w cooltube setup i will make use of the whole cupboard and make the veg cab bigger and put the 250w in there but with a MH bulb for vegging but for a while it will be staying like it is.

talk soon


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Yo tam wots on bro, lookin good. The sad thing is i like giving advice but am at a loss when i come on your thread!
Didn't know what to say. COOL:clap::leaf::bigjoint:

wow cheers shrig, im liking the way its all turned out cabs working well so far :) looking forward to the huge selection of bud im gonna have come xmas! what would be the ultimate goal in this hobby would be to only grow with re-vegs! with enough great strains to get a harvest every few weeks thats my goal.
look'n good Tamjam.. I'm also growing snow whites fem from Nirvana 3 in fact and 3 Papaya all 2 weeks into 12/12.. You won't be disappointed with the ak48 strains either.. i grew them last time and got 1.5 oz per plant.

Keep it up mate, and here's to growing in the loft that's where my ladies live.

Keep us informed.