reveging plants is reveg worth it


Well-Known Member
Hi Waterdawg,
Remember that it takes awhile for seeds to grow and mature, so if you wait till the end of the grow...the seeds will be immature.
I stop growing indoors in summer so i mean the last run. Not at the end of the last run, sorry about the confusion. I believe you must hit the bud site for 6 weeks but will read a bit before the attempt lol.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Revegging is awesome dude. I start all my plants from seed and then I go straight into 12/12 from seed. Once I find something worthy of my garden I reveg. Reveging will give you more yield and better stronger smoke. First off you get way more side branching so makes for an awesome mother plant second your plant is older and ive found the older the plant the strong meds it throws partly to do with bigger root ball but im convinced the older the plant the better the meds the extra side branching is what gives you more yield on a reveg if you choose to flower her again. I took a th seeds buku kush more then 6 harvests just kept getting better. I wait till the little buds I left on start what looks like foxtailing but soon a top will appear and it wil grow upward. If your buds are turnsing brown and retracting you should be close to new growth. Your on 24/0 light on right? I use fox farm ocean forest to put my plants in after a reveg and I only feed ph'd water for the first couple weeks until new growth or a week or so after regrowth has started. Got any pics?


Well-Known Member
It takes up to like 2 weeks for a reveg to happen and the more you leave on the plant the faster it will reveg and the faster you will be to another harvest


Why reveg when you can clone?
With cloning you get to grow many of the same mother plant at the same time.
Just sayin. Nothin wrong with re-vegging by the way but I just prefer cloning the lady.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well, if he's asking bout re-vegging chances are he didn't take cuts! why do you want to re-veg? did you find keepers, you just want to try it... it's def. worth it if you found something you want to keep and you didn't take cuts, simple as that.


Well-Known Member
I reveg dude...from cuttings.....just clone a larfy bottom....hell I am pruning them anyhow right? I can't really "start fresh" my gear is clone only....bottom larf seems to reveg the fastest and they make crazy branching so you can clone the crap out of well if you don't want to keep a mother(s)......start your reveg in early flower and you will have all the clones you need and the extra time for them to reveg is a welcomed break imho lol try it bro its neat seeing all the single blade leaves.


Well-Known Member
This hippie I used to hang out with told me to reveg he used to take his plant and strip it to the bare wood after harvest.....I tried it and it worked....I didn't even use scissors just stripped it clean with my hands, took it from outside and put it under a hps inside 18/0 that bitch was throwing new shoots like dragon was the strain, your mileage may vary.
hi slim jim seems to be the other way on this exsperiment ive reveg 3 the one with the least is growing best and started reveg fastest not even got deformed growth only 3 blade leaf but not deformed other 2 have small 1 leaf growth on every bud site.

yes im on 24 hour light

will upload some pics shortly but have cut the brown buds off the sickly looking plant


Well-Known Member
When a plant revegs it starts all the way from the beginning. Pics look good to me. Forgive my forgetfull/lazziness but did you transplant and if so like what did you use soil did you go up a couple pot sizes. Also if you didn't give the root ball a good flush at time of harvest after you take what you want off her and before transplant. You are going to want to give it a slight flush maybe twice the amount of straight ph'd water because a plant in veg doesn't require the same nutrients as one if flower and you will have built up a good amount of flowers nute salts etc from flower. So just ph'd water for awhile until you feel comfortable starting veg nutes "from the start" again. Everything looks good to me tho just a little info for further on reveg my friend. keep up the good work man! And some reveg different as you can tell but your on your way to another harvest! Every budsite is going to be a new top which can be fimed and lst'd to increase even more tops/colas. Try and keep your plants short and bushy its what I do when strain hunting/phenol hunting as I don't have the room to clone and flower clones to find keepers I need meds now so I go 12/12 from seed fim'ing and lst'ing keeping them short and increasing the quality of my yield by only growing colas. Its important to keep some of the lower budsites that stretch hella because if you find a keeper that will be your reveg points. But its also important to get flow into the inside of the plant so I take the first set of leafs and budsites off each branch after they are in about week 4 or have enough nodes I feel comfortable so like 5-7 nodes but try and keep the second set of budsites but take the fan leafs off. I just woke up I will edited this so it makes more sense hahahah but good job man


Well-Known Member
Re-veg is another tool us growers have for many reasons. The most important thing with Re-veg is that you have the patience. I personally cloned off plants in Week 5 of flowering, I do that cause your plant when its finally done and start vegging again, you will have monstrous side branching. With that comes more budsites. Usually most re-veg to keep a strain around after a first run of it. I recommend you should try it cause its a tool you might need down the line and its cool watching the changes the plant goes through. Good Luck.



Well-Known Member
instead of reveging the entire plant I have taken cuts of the popcorn budz and put them back in the cloner, takes a little longer then a regular cutting to root but they do eventually root and start putting out new growth. Looks weird and ugly at first but 4 weeks in and it would be hard to tell she was revegged. I have only done this if I didn't bother to take a cut before flowering and found it to be something I wanted to keep around.


Well-Known Member
I have only done this if I didn't bother to take a cut before flowering and found it to be something I wanted to keep around.
LOL ya I have done that myself. Something didn't look so promising but after the flip you're like, hey I may be on to something. However, to make it part of the regular routine would be just about enough to drive me crazy.