REVEGGING! new to the concept!

Hello. I have had a few converstaions with friends about taking a flowering female plant,harvesting, forcing it to revegg. My friends say that this is a waste of time since
it cause the potency to deminish and cause the buds to become kinda melted(frunky).
Is this true that the potency decrease, that the buds become funky? MY though was that if yu already have a large plant grown, why not harvest and make it grow bud again as a time saving method, will this work?

will taking a clone off a flowering female and rooting it and trying to bud it out without forcing it to veg( MAKIING OLNY ONE COLA) work?


Well-Known Member
I have done this before.The only reason I did it is I wanted to cut that plant into clones cause I liked the gene it was throwing.It does take a minut for your plant to start growing again


Well-Known Member
I have done this before.The only reason I did it is I wanted to cut that plant into clones cause I liked the gene it was throwing.It does take a minut for your plant to start growing again
and no you cant take a cloone off a flowering plant and expect it to grow a cola like its still flowering


Well-Known Member
I have never seen it with my own eyes but I would say yes. I know for sure it will veg out agian so I dont see why it wouldnt b ud agian. I dont think it would be worth it if it didnt get sick it would take a while better off just rooting another clone


Well-Known Member
if you want to do it for shits and giggles try it out I think it will work. give it sumthing with alot of nitrogen to bring it back to veg. You have to leave sum bud on the plant cause the new growth comes out of the buds. its a trip
really, you must have done this,judging from your sentece, how long does it take to grow a few new colas and bud again,if u happen to know.


Active Member
I'm going to say that you can take a clone from a plant in flower, AS LONG as it's not very far in, like not much more than past knowing the sex (like 1-2 weeks). Never tried any longer, but i know for a fact you can flower a plant so long it goes back to prolly possible, but a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to say that you can take a clone from a plant in flower, AS LONG as it's not very far in, like not much more than past knowing the sex (like 1-2 weeks). Never tried any longer, but i know for a fact you can flower a plant so long it goes back to prolly possible, but a waste of time.
Yeah you can take a clone off a plant in the first two weeks. I take my clones 3 days in to 12/12. I think he wants to know if you can take a clone thats flowering and then root it and keep it flowering to grow that cola out. that would be hella cool but I know that wont work


Re-flowering can be done. It just takes forever. About 3 weeks of 18+ light to re-veg and another 3 of 12/12 to fully switch back to flowering. Also I've heard that it does reduce potency, not a lot though. It is much easier to just clone

As far as I know you can't take a budding clone, plant it, and continue budding the clone. Interesting Idea though