You know is a method called monster cropping where you take your clones while in flower and reveg them flower as soon as the leaf growth returns to normal and starts pumping out 5 leaflets per leaf. I do know what they are called but that will have to work... But when you reveg you can get a crazy ass number of branches growing out the buds. Leading to a crazy amount of bud sites to flower... The bad thing about revegging is the stress it puts on a plant... Problay the second most stressful thing a plant can do,,,,, after reversing sexes...
I 'try not to reveg unless she's something special I don't want to lose.. I've lost count on how many times I've put cloned plants out to early outdoors. I now don't put a clone out before the end of May.. too early and days are too shirt,,, she starts to flower,, then says WTF and go thru all that crazy leaf and branching that comes with reveg... Outdoors on a larger plant that can be troublesome.. To thick a plant become unmanageable and becomes to thick inviting mold...
I'm just babbling... Not sure how long you been growing and such.. But GL in the gardens and Keepem Green