reusing smart pots....and tips or pointers?


Well-Known Member
been pulling up my smart pots...they have tons of roots on the bottoms...making little root holes...on the bottoms of the pots..
i really want to reuse plan is to fip them upside down and let them dry out then use a brush to get the dried roots off...
anyone have a better idea?

thanks guysbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Only reason I won't throw them in a machine is because of the soap. Other than that unless they are really beat up you should be fine machine washing them.


Well-Known Member
they are really dirty...i m going to try spraying them out......might soak in a kiddie pool...but it's too cold for that today...

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Just a rinse with water should be fine. No benefit one way or another from using soaps, surfactants etc. Using conventional fertilizers there may be a very slight buildup of accumulated salts but smart pots by their design are intended to drain very well. No special care is needed. Just rinse and reuse. I have some that are on their 6th crop with no signs of wear.


Well-Known Member
this is my problem..
they are big outdoor smart pots......
and weeds grew into them from the ground...
so there is a ton of roots on the bottom..
i had the novel idea to do a google search...
and on the smart pot site it says to let them dry out for a few days...and the roots will fall apart...
im doing that now...not sure if it's working...
spraying them and soaking is not fun.,...
but it start the process i think...


Well-Known Member
I took all my smartpots to the closest laundromat.. I washed them on the heavy duty setting in one of those industrial size washing machines. I used regular ass laundry soap and then ran the rinse cycle twice. It was easy as hell. I have used them about 6 times now. No problems at all... zero


Well-Known Member
what size smart pots? mine are big..idk of they would even fit...
and walking in there with some filthy pots..wont they trip?