Reusing coco


Well-Known Member
So im gonna reuse some coco for a plant as an experiment since im just getting back into growing i just wanna see what works for me .. organic,bottle nutes, dry amendments/top dressing and living soil

So i have all of them in ocean forest and
Some i will topdress and others bottle nutes in soil and some bottle nutes in coco ..

Can i use tapwater for the process of flushing coco coir for reuse to get the peat out and thn buffer with ro water ..
Ill maybe run a bit of ro water to get the tapwater flushed out n thn buffee it with the ro water ..

so can i use tapwater for the flush of coco thn finish with ro water?

Justlove growing

Well-Known Member
There is a product called cannazyme that will dissolve old plant matter I always just chuck the old root system on my compost heap and just start fresh though


Well-Known Member
Yeah ill be starting a compost bin too.. i know it takes time so for the time being ill be using dry amendments and bottle nutes*on diffrent plants till i have everything ready to give living soil a shot.

Im just gonna do 1 plant of bagseed just as an experiment see ror myself u know

Do i Add after flushing&buffering with calmag and then the enzymes and let the coco sit? Or do i add it at time of planting?

Or add the enzymes and thts all ? :wall::?: