Returning newbie

Always stick with what you know,

sure many new systems are about,

few will cut it

F&D is still popular in many places

you will note there have been a few improvements with tech

but its really the same plant and pull syndrome

the real improvements have been with strains and selection (imo)

good luck

Thanks for your good wishes.

I'm not against using F&D again. But i will be using advanced methods like super-cropping and topping.
Where previously I had 25-30 pots on a 4'by 8' table, I'm hoping I can reduce that to 6 or so.
I make my own drip rings. I feed twice a day for 15mins each. They have no problem getting enough moisture and there is plenty of run off. The rings give me even feeding around the perimeter. I want all the roots to get fed evenly and I believe it also helps the roots spread better "reaching for the water". This setup works extremely well for me and cut my nutrient costs tremendously. I used to be able to reuse my coco, but with this setup the roots grow so crazy that I can't reuse my coco, I am fine with that because yield vs increased cost of coco easily makes up for it. Plus, coco chips aren't expensive. That is another thing I love about coco. The compressed kind that is. I don't feel like paying for the moisture for all the stuff that is already expanded.

Yeah... I'm not really concerned with the cost of the coco, but rather the risks and exposure in dumping it. I remember years ago, I was super paranoid taking my cuttings and root trash out to a dumpster. But if the increased yield is that significant, I'm sure i'll find a way; :)

I am currently using coco and I was curious as to weither i could reuse it. I guess a good flush and it is like new. Ubless I am lucky enough to have an abundance of roots like previous comment. Lol
Yeah... I'm not really concerned with the cost of the coco, but rather the risks and exposure in dumping it. I remember years ago, I was super paranoid taking my cuttings and root trash out to a dumpster. But if the increased yield is that significant, I'm sure i'll find a way; :)

If you have a garden of any sort add your old shit to that. Add it to compost or something.