Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots.


Active Member
any updates MS?
Hi SB, yes both Master Kush are now showing pre-flowers, the first bang on day 21 from germination and the other on day 22..... today! As you can se from the pics both are staying really short (4 to 5") but spreading out, nodes are tight. We will see some stretch next couple of weeks but I hope to hold them down to around 10" by this method, same as the Snow White.

Watering now is daily to stop the roots drying out, but the amount of water is minimal each day compared with conventional watering. Its still being added to the pot at the bottom after being bubbled and the roots sit in a slight air space (ie they don't touch the bottom of the outer pot so they're not being crushed). I have now given them a slight top watering too as the top few inches of soil was very dry. I'm getting a good feel now for this watering method overall, plant health is generally pretty good.

Both Master Kush are just 22 days from the seeds cracking so overall growth rate seems good so far.

Here's the pics. The little Snow White is now at day 40 from germination, first pre flowers on 25th August, 12/12 from seed of course :-) I hope for a nice little 10" lollipop of bud :-) Thats her roots in the shot below.



Well-Known Member
Everything looking good MS i just found the first pistels on two of my 12/12ers :) crazy having such small plants showing sex

keep em green dude


Well-Known Member
Eww, yeah! Do NL MS!!! Oh please, oh please, oh please!!

I love watching NL grows, and hearing the smoke reports, such a great strain. #1 on my bye list


Well-Known Member
wow they are already showing preflowers! gotta love that 12/12 from seed huh!? everything is lookin really really good, im actually surprised that everything is moving so fast! great job man


Well-Known Member
Wow ms, looks like your bottom feeding trick is a winner already. Can't wait to see how it unfolds but signs are really promising.
Fish poop FTW!


Active Member
Wow ms, looks like your bottom feeding trick is a winner already. Can't wait to see how it unfolds but signs are really promising.
Fish poop FTW!
Hi V12, As you know I enjoy experimenting with my grows. Got to say that so far things are looking good here I agree. I'm seeing a daily difference now and the roots are exploding! I'm getting a routine now with watering, its daily. plain water one day, feeding the next etc, they're sucking up every drop so by the afternoon the outer pots are dry but the roots are dangling in a slight air space. When I add the water/ feed they drop their leaf but then raise them up again within a couple of hours.

My main aim with this 12/12 from seed grow was to try and encourage as much vigorous growth as possible in the first 3 weeks, before they show pre flowers and that's why I have not topped or LST'd at all this time. Certainly the MK's look ready to go now :-)

Few more pics, the root shot is one of the MK's but both are the same. The Snow White is slowly closing up the gaps between nodes so I'm hoping for that 'bud on a stick' effect in five weeks time. The MK's are showing slightly more side branching but not by much.



Well-Known Member
hey mature, plants are looking good as always, got spider mites at mo, using neem, soap n water, how long did you fight before you gave in and what did you try?


Active Member
hey mature, plants are looking good as always, got spider mites at mo, using neem, soap n water, how long did you fight before you gave in and what did you try?
Hi Del,

Right pain in the arse those mites, I battled for weeks and eventually gave in, got rid of everything and started again after a good scrub down with bleach and insecticide (no plants). I couldn't find any other way, they just kept coming back so I had to totally break the cycle. Not so good if you got a bigger grow on though. The US guys seem to be able to get stuff we cant (Hot Shot strips etc) and it seems to work. Let me know how it goes for you? There must be something out there to kill these things.

*Edit* Del, could have been more like months I battled thinking back.

Cheers bigman, I hope she fills out well over the next few weeks too :-)


Well-Known Member
im finding neem oil is wiping them out mate, you need to give it ten days or so but its looking good so far. will keep you posted


Active Member
im finding neem oil is wiping them out mate, you need to give it ten days or so but its looking good so far. will keep you posted
I was using SMC Spider Mite Control, expensive stuff but it didnt work, I also tried soapy water and a couple of other concoctions. I like Neem Oil, good to hear its working, I'll have to order another bottle just in case. Stinks dont it :-) ... but if it works then so what! Are you in veg mate or flower? Thats the real pain when you get em in flower.


Well-Known Member
mites mainly go on fan leaves until there are to many so i still spray when in flower,had the choice to stop and clean everything or steam ahead so i thought id go for broke, lost a few plants though . At mo i got 1 small space with a 250 enviro squeezed in for a little veg time, max veg 18 days, then i got a 4x3x 30 inch hi cab with 400 and 250 hps on 12-12. i got mixed stages in hps room but going to start everything at same stage from now on to make it easier. this neem makes insects forget to feed, breed, lay eggs, fly.hatch, good for prevention and long term i think, non toxic, my daughter said it smells of onions and chocolate


Well-Known Member
hey MS, MK's are looking awesome and out of my plants its the MK thats the best :) cant wait to see some kush buds.

I have a little problem with some little stupid flys lol the other day there were hundreds up there and i blasted them with some fly spray which killed them within minutes but they keep coming back? they move really slow and there are lots on the soil running round. I dont think they will harm the plants but they are annoying and i think they come in when i did the 5 new seeds, any tips please?


Well-Known Member
they lay their eggs in the soil. you can put clean sand on top. the sand is rough and will cause the baby larvae to get cut and killed trying to come up to the surface. this will prevent them from reoccuring after you killed off all the adults. i think neem will work for the larvae too

i think the sticky fly strips work to catch them, but a glass of water with about a few drops of dish soap will catch a bunch. this is a quick fix, so just spread some cups of soapy water through the loft and around every where till you get some more info. i think someone may have also said a glass of water and vinegar sat out, but cant swear that was for gnats!!


Well-Known Member
brilliant cheers for that guys :) just ordered some Neem oil but in the mean time i will try the sand on top of the soil to keep them at bay +rep :)


Active Member
hey MS, MK's are looking awesome and out of my plants its the MK thats the best :) cant wait to see some kush buds.

I have a little problem with some little stupid flys lol the other day there were hundreds up there and i blasted them with some fly spray which killed them within minutes but they keep coming back? they move really slow and there are lots on the soil running round. I dont think they will harm the plants but they are annoying and i think they come in when i did the 5 new seeds, any tips please?
Hope you got rid of those fungas gnats? Theyre pretty easy to eliminate with the sticky strips and neem as Del said. When I had them in my loft I put a 1" layer of those clay hydro pebbles on each pot, they were quickly gone and never came back. I remember one day going up there, opening the tent and seeing loads of big bluebottles buzzing around in there, made me jump :roll:They were gone the same day :blsmoke:

The Master Kush are now 27 days from seed today and just starting to flower up. This is a good solid strain and like most Nirvana strains I've grown very reliable and stable. I cant wait to see them in 4 weeks time. The Snow White is budding well and filling in but yellowing at the bottom 2 fans as you can see. Gave her a good feed today of the Bio grow and I'll switch to bloom next time. All still being bottom watered so far and daily. Condition of the MK's is good and they seem to like this cheap old Innes #2.

Loads of pics just taken. New strain coming soon!



Well-Known Member
Hi MS! plants are looking great, I've got my first 12/12 going (after the chat we had and I discovered the 12/12 grow with your post) and my plants are more or less same age as the master kush.

Your plants are more busy and big but I guess is normal if I grow in smaller pots and with less light. Anyway, it's good that they are the same age +or- coz I can compare and see the differences in the growth.

Cheers! :)