Return of the Sticky, White Lavender,V12,Joker Indoor Grow

Grow info
  • Lights-
    • Kingbrite 240 watt Quantam Board
  • Medium-Soil mix
    • Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
    • HP Pro Mix biofungicide + mycorrhizae
    • Miracle Grow Nature's Organic Soil
    • Miracle Grow sphagnum peat moss
    • Perlite
  • Grow space
    • 2x4 tent
  • Ventilation
    • Box fan suspended on rope hangers
    • 4 inch exhaust fan with carbon filter
      • In use only to remove smell when needed currently
  • Weed being grown
    • White Lavender- This hybrid grows tall and vigorously, with the typical Sativa growth pattern, while the White Widow genetics keep the height under control. Still, its height may cause some problems in smaller indoor grow rooms, so using pruning or LST techniques can be useful.The buds are ready to harvest after 60-65 days of bloom, with very high yields of hairy and compact buds, covered with a sticky layer of resin glands.This genetic combination induces a very intense cerebral effect, truly psychoactive. The scent is fruity and spicy, and using carbon filters is recommended in indoor grow rooms to avoid problems with odours.

      White Lavender features:
      Genetics: White Widow x Lavender
      Mostly Sativa hybrid
      Indoor flowering: 60-65 days
      Yield: very high

    • Joker-a mostly indica variety from Enlightened Genetics and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±59 days), outdoors and in the greenhouse. Enlightened Genetics' Joker is a THC dominant variety and is/was never available as feminized seeds.
      Joker is a cross of darkhorse genetics clown shoes to Bruce Banner 2.0

    • V12- A strain created by a breeder friend, a sativa dominant cross with citrus and peppery terpenes. THC between 19-21 based on genetic
  • Nutrients being used
    • Earth Juice Cal Mag
    • Foxfarm grow big
    • Foxfarm tiger bloom
    • Advanced nutrients piranhaa and voodoo juice
  • Water being used-Poland Spring
  • Grow Status
    • Growing 1 white lavender and 1 V12 for two months now. Both are currently in veg, White Lavender is in a transplanted to a 7 gallon plastic pot, v12 is in a 5 gallon plastic pot. Both have been topped once, both have been LST by tying branches down with green garden wire. Plants both have even canopy and no central cola. Training seems close to manifold technique but lower branches grew to meet central branches which gives the plants that look. Both plants had slow growth for 2 weeks after topping, both have recovered and are growing consistently now
    • Growing 1 clones of white lavender for 3 weeks in 2 gallon plastic pot
    • Growing 1 Joker skunk for 2 weeks in 2 gallon plastic pot
  • Ultimate Goal
    • Goal is to veg White Lavender and V12 plants until December 1st or January 1st, dependent on the size of the plants I will switch to 12/12 on one of those dates. The goal is to get close as possible to a pound per plant
    • Will be moving forward with one White Lavender clone and Joker skunk plant for next grow cycle
That's it, bud porn coming in the next post, input wanted ciao
  • Did LST to v12 and White Lavender
  • Will only be watering from now until Dec 1st if possible
Just 4 days ago I had about 10 plants in my tent and now have 4 and couldn't be more better because of it due to space limitations. As promised here is the bud porn, the V12 is in the 5 gallon and the Joker has the garden label in the pot, ciao .


Sup gang

  • General
    • Have watered all plants twice since last post. One water with CalMag + Advanced nutrients piranhaa and voodoo juice. The other watered with the above and Foxfarm grow big + CalMag+Advanced nutrients piranhaa and voodoo juice
    • Good growth on all plants but stressing on V12 in the form of purplish branches and slower growth on on its side branching in comparison to White Lavender.
    • White Lavender Clone and Joker seed are growing comparatively but White Lavender has produced more growth. Both plants have been trained sideways and are developing colas out of side branches. Goal is to train the plants sideways to develop as many top sites to fill a scrog net. Reason behind training them sideways instead of topping them is because in current run with larger V12 and White Lavender plants they didn't react to topping well in the form of slower growth for 2-3 weeks and training was still needed to get the shape both plants currently have.
    • Enviornmental controls have been a consistent 78-85 fahrenheit and 45-60 humidity.
    • Placed a new carbon filter and duct for exhausting air
    • Sanitized tent
    • No signs of pests
    • Will be transitioning to new 4x4 tent in next update
That's it on my end gang, here's how the girls are looking V12 is large plant to the right, white lavender is to the left of the tent ciao


Sup gang, hope everyone had a peaceful holiday whatever you celebrate, lets check out how the girls are doing

New grow space!
  • Dimensions
    • 4.8 feet wide
    • 5.5 feet tall
    • 1.7 feet grow space
  • Lighting
    • R900 viparspectra
  • Ventilation
    • Box fan blowing
    • Booster fan blowing into 4inch carbon filter
  • Space is a closet
  • Environment
    • Consistent temperature between 80-93
      • Looking into cooling options as drilling exhaust holes in this area isn't an option
    • Consistent humidity between 25-29
      • Adding a mini humidifier to raise humidity
General Updates for V12 and White Lavender
  • Began 12/12 light cycle for V12 and White Lavender on 12.7.20
  • Officially on day 20 of 12/12
  • Both have finished their early flower stretch. V12 stretched more than White Lavender
  • Garden problems
    • Deficiencies in both V12 and White Lavender that looked like bugs, disease, root rot, wind burn, or over-watering.
      • Adjusted my watering by lowering my usual amount by half and not watering until runoff as I usually do
      • Set traps to identify pests, no pests on the traps or visible while using my microscopes.
      • Looked into root rot issues, roots are white, I can hear the soil crackle a bit so I know the soil has no aeration issues
      • Cut off box fan ventilation, no wind burn issues prior to stopping it nor after but wanted to rule out wind burn
      • Narrowed the problem down to the roots needing extra space and added new microbe nutrients to feeding schedule and there are no more issues at all as a result of the following
        • Moved V12 from a 5 gallon to a 7 gallon and added some more soil to the White Lavender 7 gallon
        • Added a new microbial product called photosynthesis plus by Microbe Life Hydroponics and it the plants seem to enjoy it. White Lavender experienced some nuteburn like symptoms after use but it was minimal.
  • Defoliated on day prior to light cycle change on 12.6.20
  • Defoliated again on day 20
  • Cut two lower flower branches of White Lavender and placed them into 1 gallon pots as an experiment to see how 1 branch in large medium can yield
  • Using trellis net, will be looking to revert to tie down method for training as netting is becoming a hassle to deal with as result of the stretch plants experienced
  • Added larger humidifier as humidity was consistently between 20-31, with humidifier humidity remains in 38-51 range daily
  • Temperature remains constant between 74-82 Fahrenheit
Clone Wars
  • Joker and White Lavender clones have been removed from the 4x2 tent and moved to the new grow closet
  • Both plants have been transplanted to 5 gallon containers. Containers have been hacked to mimic aeropots, this was done by drilling holes into the bottom and sides of my 5 gallon pots
  • Plants have been defoliated twice since last update but not since transplant to 5 gallon containers
General Updates & Reflections
  • Based on my recent transplants I'm confident in transplanting when needed as my method doesn't result in plant stress rather I usually get excessive plant growth following transplant
  • The closet isn't viable long term/year round due to difficulty in lowering the temperature
  • All plants are growing well
  • Hesitant to pull the trigger on a 4x4 tent will look to potentially flower in the closet if I can get the environment in check
  • Have been monitoring VPD since 12/12 flip, been near or at the correct VPD since 12/12
  • Santa Claus has informed me of some V12 strain updates and my mind is being blown! Current F class is being worked on and potential V12 variants maybe available for the next grow.
That's it on my end, here is the bud porn, ciao and leave any comments or questions if you have any


Sup gang

V12 & White Lavender
  • Five weeks of 12/12 completed, Day 37 of 12/12
  • Both plants look good, no deficiencies visible on either
  • V12 is tremendously frosty plant, gassy smells so far, dense buds, smh no words for the potential this plant
  • White lavender has fruity smell so far, not as frosty as V12
  • Temperature/humidity fluctuate between 70F/39H-81F/51H when lights are on. When lights are off the range is 58F/28H-70F/39H

Clone Wars
  • Started 12/12 light cycle on 01/02, Day 10 of 12/12
  • Joker stretched tremendously, more than any other plant I've ever flipped, both plants seem to have finished their stretch period and are forming flowers
  • Replaced box fan with oscillating tower fan, much better temperatures in the closet as a result
  • Temperature/humidity fluctuate between 75/38H-93F/55H when lights are on. When lights are off the range is 58F/28H-70F/39H
General Updates
  • Adding King Kola Bud Booster next feeding to V12 & WL
  • Adding Botanicare sweet next feeding to all plants
  • Adding unsulfured molasses next feeding to V12 & WL

That's it gang, as always enjoy the bud porn, peace


General Updates
  • Flowering now in a 4x4 vivosun tent
  • Purchased two viparspectra p1500's
  • Tent lighting now has
    • one 4X2 240w Kingbrite Quantam board
    • Two viparspectra p1500's
  • Moved a tower fan into the 4X4
  • All materials for harvest-cure period on hand
V12 & White Lavender
  • 10 weeks of 12/12 completed
  • Both plants seem ok to chop down and ok to flower until 12 weeks completed, as of now planning to chop at 11 weeks completed which will be 2.27.21.
  • Both plants seem to have been under-watered this grow in comparison with Joker and WL clones, as a result expectations for yield are average at best
  • V12 buds range between light green to and hunter green with mango, beautiful purple fade
Clone Wars
  • Joker has become largest plant in the tent and on par to become best yielder
  • WL clone is doing great
  • Both plants on track to out yield both V12 and WL due to improved plant training and watering techniques
Next grow update
  • 5 new V12 plants two weeks old, currently in solo cups, will only be keeping 1-2 plants maximum
  • Monster cropped a clone from WL clone currently in flower, it has rooted and seems to be doing ok despite cray look leaves
  • 2 autoflower skunk in 3 gallon pots, 1 day old
  • Will be reveging V12 to keep phenotype
  • Will be only running 4 plants maximum into flower next run

That's it gang, next update may be the last as this journal is wrapping up soon, ok maybe two more posts to go, as always here's the bud porn!



V12 & WL
  • Both in week 11
  • Both are in flush mode
  • V12 is currently fading
  • WL is looking like a lost plant, plant synopsis:
    • I fried many of my fan leaves by placing it to close under 240W Kingbrite, have raised light but damage seems done
    • Almost no fan leaves left on the plant at all
    • Buds are airy and not heavy in the majority of the plant, I believe its due to poor watering during weeks 1-6 of flowering yet V12 buds are HEAVY, smh very confused as to the bud weight issues, maybe an ounce of heavy bud on the plant
    • Tons of white hairs seems like the plant has at least 3 weeks left, not sure if that will add weight
  • Chopped a smaller branch off of each plant as a test harvest
WL Clone & Joker
  • Both in week 6 of flower
  • Joker is huge but loosing a lot of fan leaves daily
  • White lavender experienced bleaching due to lights being too close to them, its shares the 240w kingbrite with the original WL
New Grow Updates
  • Both autoflower skunk seeds popped but I had to unearth and replant them in the 3 gallon pots. Honestly uncomfortable with growing seedlings in such a large container as I feel I'm honing my vegetative skills with the solo cups I use for photoperiods
  • WL Monster crop clone looking weird but is growing
  • 5 V12 two week old plants looking good, will be flipping to 12/12 2.27.21 to begin determining sex
  • Santa Clause is cooking something new/improved up, will update you guys as the I get the green thumbs up
  • Currently looking for Harley Quinn strain
  • here are the goals for my next flower run
    • 12/12 by April 1st regardless of Veg plant size
    • 2 Auto skunks females in 3 gallons
    • 1 V12 female from current 5 plants
    • 1 Surprise from Santa Clause
    • 1 Harley Quin CBD
    • Have everything Chopped by mid June
That's it gang, we're getting closer to the actual chop, here's the pics

