Retarded Troubles


Active Member
Enlightened Retard. This strain is very good smoke, but it has problems growing up. During the vegetative state, the old growth leaves (bottom two) die off, as two top leaves reach a considerable size. Only 4 leaves stay on the plant. When it reaches about a 6-8in it is cloned, shortly after the leaves begin to bud. Once moved into flowering, the plant grows to 12in stem and 3in of bud. Doesn't really get much bigger than that. Total harvest was a little over 1/4 o. Again, visible crystals start forming the day after put into flowering, very good smoke. I want to do what I can to keep this strain going. If anything else what can I do to yield just a little more? :peace:



Well-Known Member
just from looking at the picture, i would guess give it more light. a stem that is that long before you see any bud would mean to me the plant is stretching for light. looks like you lolly popped it or something. how much light are you using? 1/4 o off 1 plant would be hella depressing. at least the smoke is good like ya said :)
even with a crappy set up you should get .5 grams/watt i would think..


Well-Known Member
Is a 3 inch bud about normal for any type of plant? I'm a newbie at growing so I'm still waiting for my first harvest. I'm curious to know what an average size would be for a main cola? Any seasoned growers out there that could give me an idea on that?


Well-Known Member
It looks like there are some genetic abnormalities in that plant. I would say start with a different strain and you will yield a lot more. I dont even see any fan leaves on the plant and those are important for a big full plant. I would smoke it then scrap it.


Active Member
I have x3 40 daylight bulbs where she is located. I moved the plant away from the bulbs to take the pic, but I normally keep her about 2-3in away from one of the bulbs.

I actually have 3 different strains, all three going at once, different harvest times. I really don't want to scrap it because the bud is so tasty, sticky, smelly gooey goodness.... mmm! About the only other thing I can think of would be to take the next clone and flower it with only a week or two of vegetative. A friend of mine suggested it, he doesn't grow, but he's good with his garden. He said it will trick the plant into making more of a small bush, instead of a retarded Cannibus PalmTreus.

PS: I finally downloaded the rest of the pics off my phone, Pic of the bud is on there


Active Member
How long are you vegging for?

I had a problem with my first attempt at growing in soil that was similar. I thought I had to go out and buy a bunch of crazy equipment to fix my problems but the 'hydro-guy' gave me a way to save all my plants that I had started in soil. First he set me up with 2 full spectrum Fluorescent tubes and 2 cool and 2 warm cFl's. Then he gave me some hydroton grow medium. He told me to fill my bucket about half way with the hydroton and then transplant my plants into the bucket. He told me to cut a small 1/4 hole in the bottom for drainage and said to add 2 more waterings throughout the week. I keep the FL tubes about 3 inches off the tops and have the cFL's hanging towards the bottom of the plant. He told me to avoid the shedding of lower leaves to vegg the plant a little longer with a 24hr light cycle. Thus far it has worked. He also has me spraying the leaves with clean distilled water 3 times a day with a slightly higher pH than the soil waterings. He said that some strains have trouble rooting through compact soil and can cause the plant to shed lower leaves if there is not enough water/light/nutes. The hydroton helps in giving the roots a more porous medium to grow through. I'm not a pro but I did write down everything this guy told me and it worked great. I hope this helped a little bit as it looks like you're encountering the same problems as I did.


Active Member
They're vegging for about 4 weeks, only because its the first real time you can clone it. A couple of days after I clone it I put it in flowering because it only has 4 leaves. I'm going to give it a try. Thank you.


Active Member
i have two afghan kush babies and need help on one of my plants check out my pics on my profile and any suggestions will be appreciated