Retarded plant question.......


Well-Known Member
When looking at seed strains, they tell you different features of the plant. They tell you "Flowering Period" as well. One strain I was looking at says 8 to 9 weeks flowering period. So, here is the retarded question that I pretty much already know, but would like confirmation....So that means once you turn to the 12/12 cycle, it takes 8 to 9 weeks to reach full maturity and be harvested?

Also, another retarded question....How tall should a plant be before starting the 12/12 cycle? What height do you guys wait to reach before starting the flowering period? 6 inches, 10 inches, 12 inches? I hear that once you start the flowering period the plant itself will triple in size by the time it is done, is that true or is that just a relative guideline to use to estimate how tall the plant will get by the end of the 12/12 cycle?

(Edit).... lol another dumb question....but I'm a newb :D........ What height does your plants get to by the end of the 12/12 cycle? I've seen plants outdoors years ago and they reached every bit of 6 ft. and taller just during the summer months. Do your plants reach these heights indoors or do you start your flowering cycle early to keep the plants from getting taller than 3 feet tall? Also, if a plant were to reach 3 ft. tall, how much, on average, do you get from harvest (dry weight and from which strains)?

lol Sorry for all the dumb questions


Well-Known Member
Most strains stretch 50% once you flip 12/12..some more some less...but most 50%......As for the other ? depends on the sexual maturity...if your plant is showing preflower then can pretty much stick to what the breeder info says....if not showing preflowers then your timeline will start when you do see em...hope that for can grow out a plant from seed using straight 12/12....I haven't personally done this but search the forum...alot of threads on the subject....I flower mine when my screen is half full with the screen being about 8" above the pots....I SCROG...not this time tho...I'm in a rush...I usually LST then throw on the screen...but I'm moving soon so I just kicked it straight to 12/12 after about two months of veg(counting germination) and am hoping for the best


Active Member
So that means once you turn to the 12/12 cycle, it takes 8 to 9 weeks to reach full maturity and be harvested? Answer YES
Also, another retarded question....How tall should a plant be before starting the 12/12 cycle?
What height do you guys wait to reach before starting the flowering period? 6 inches, 10 inches, 12 inches? I hear that once you start the flowering period the plant itself will triple in size by the time it is done, is that true or is that just a relative guideline to use to estimate how tall the plant will get by the end of the 12/12 cycle?
it depends on what you think. some people work with the same strain alot. I went with mazar strain and i started at 1 foot and went to 12/12. it got to about 2 1/2 feet before it started dieing off. Lack of pot space and over watering on my part. Kinda a sad experience being my first real tall one but i had lack of grow space. You should look into auto flowering plants first. Alot easier for new growers and i really do perfer them so small easy 2-3 month harvests with little space, light, and smell. I recommended lowryders from attitude seed bank. coupon code 420. use stealth options they ship right to the us. check out some of my grow journals. I even have one on seed production so when you but 10 seeds ou can get 100+ out of them,


Well-Known Member
You are correct about the flowering period, thats how long til you can chop it down.

As for the stretch, it depends on the strain. A more sativa plant can definitely triple in height by the time its done. I grew some 70/30 indica dominant (70% being indica, the short phenotype) and they doubled in size plus a couple inches.

So you should start your 12/12 depending on how much height you have to work with, and if your plants are sativa or indica. If you have no idea what type it is then just assume about it will grow about 2.5x taller. I had 5feet of vertical space so i started at 18 inches and they reached 40" so I had alot of room left.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. If I were to grow, I was thinking about going with Ice. I can't get any good solid numbers on it though. One site says the plant height is "medium", what is medium, another site says "tall plant", one site says 100 cm = around 3.5 ft., another site says 60 to 80 cm. As for flowering periods, they are all around the same 55 to 60, 63 to 70, 56 to 62 days, so I came up with an average of 8 1/2 weeks from about 5 different sites. Some say the yield is 400 - 500 (g/m² in SOG), another site says 150 indoor (not sure if that is per plant, or g/m in a SOG style), one has it listed as "High Yield", another is 375 to 475, one says "Up to 200 gram / square meter". As for what type of plant, one site has it listed as 85/15 indica/sativa, one has it listed as 50/50, another one has listed "Hybrid", and another is "Mostly Sativa".

So which one is right? I really have no solid numbers to go off of, because each site has different numbers and says different things about the strain. Is there a particular website that has very very accurate numbers to go on? Does anyone have any experience with Ice themselves, and if so how does it perform, high tall (inches), yield per plant, flowering period, how long from start to finish?


Well-Known Member
this is an old ass thread, but i have a friend who grewy ice, and he kept them under a foot and a half each... 150w hps... smaller scale grow.. he yielded just above an O dried from the two... hope this helps lol... i was high and browsing..
