Retard math question


Active Member
i know a lot of growers dont like h202 but some swear by it it would seem.
if you dont please dont post threads saying h202 is s**t just coz you dont like it. i need advice from people who already use it

9% h202. 1 litre empty bottle.

how many mil h202 per litre water working that id like a strength suitable for helping along an almost rootbound plant 3 wks into flower.

Cant find it now but remember someone saying something about using h202 to help plant take up nutes, water, and oxygen when its becoming root bound.

i already use water that has been bubbled through for a day or two so not sure if it will make a difference


Active Member
ok its easy and worked it out when i wasnt high. 10ml of 9% into 30ml makes 40ml of 3%. from 3% follow the faq