

Active Member
its time people showed a little love on this site for our good friend resin.

ahh, resin, a true friend in deed:rolleyes:bongsmilie
Luckily I haven't had to smoke resin in about 5 years. I hate it, it gives me a headache and makes my mouth taste horrible. I have smoked a lot of resin in my time though. I used to think of it the same way I thought about my tax return. Now I have the money to be sure that I don't ever run out of pot. if my financial situation were different I'd probably still smoke resin.
i totally smoke resin every now and then! sometimes i even get higher from that than i do from a bowl of bud. i like to mix up the resin with some mid grade bud, it goes pretty well together. but i havent smoked res in ages...i typically only smoke it when im out of weed and have nothing else to smoke. but it'll do the job :D hehe
I just smoked some resin.Im under so much stress i scraped that shit. I ran out of weed the day before i found out that I owe the FTB a grand for tickets i got while overseas? I'm trying to fight it but finding a copy of original orders is almost impossibe at this point since my old unit is overseas and they purge there records every year. Sucks.
haha fuk resin as you call it i call it tar its just dirty black shit its not even worth smokein i would just go with out insted of smokein that shit
Hate thinking about it but I ran out yesterday. Time to dust my bud buster today, probably be scraping resin tomorrow. Fucking nasty but does the job.
It's fucking disgusting. "resin" is just tar and smoke by products. Hardly any thc whatsoever.
It's fucking disgusting. "resin" is just tar and smoke by products. Hardly any thc whatsoever.

The fuck?? dude, you should do more research before making posts like this one you just made.

There's plenty of THC in resin. Why do you think ppl smoke resin? They wouldn't smoke it if they didn't get high off of it.

plus, I myself.. if sources dry out around here.. and I don't have any smoke.. and waiting on my plant(s) to mature so I can harvest.. I myself will clean out my glass bowl.. and smoke the resin.. because in fact.. it DOES get you high man.

I'm not hating on ya, I'm just saying make sure you know what your talking about before making such statements.


I never said it doesn't get you high.

It would be a glorious day if pot heads got their terminology right. Tar... not resin.
The fuck?? dude, you should do more research before making posts like this one you just made.

There's plenty of THC in resin. Why do you think ppl smoke resin? They wouldn't smoke it if they didn't get high off of it.

plus, I myself.. if sources dry out around here.. and I don't have any smoke.. and waiting on my plant(s) to mature so I can harvest.. I myself will clean out my glass bowl.. and smoke the resin.. because in fact.. it DOES get you high man.

I'm not hating on ya, I'm just saying make sure you know what your talking about before making such statements.


Now I'm curious. I need to do my research, but did you do your research? Do you know how much thc is left over in the tar? Do you know how much of that THC is converted into CBN?
Who gives a shit. I think we can all agree that its nasty but will get you high if you need to. Don't think that your not smoking the same tar every time you light up, just not in as concentrated form.
yeah. i am not is a situation where i don't have to smoke resin.
it is so nice to clean that shit out and throw it away rather than have to smoke it.
but i have been a scrapin fool.
not so long ago every smoking peice i had was cleaned out for resin smoke.
Me and my homeboy used to smoke resin every wednesday. Payday was thursday for both of us, and we were always out of weed by then. Come tuesday we'd start hiding the pipes from each other and shit, trying to get the one with all the resin in it ha!
I remember when i was in High School smoking resin was the thing to do. We used to all the time cuz 1/8th costed 100 bucks.