

New Member
Anyone tell me how to make resin without any fancy gadgets. I know the hand rubbing technique, but that only takes the resin off the leaves... right?

What about all the resin inside the plant itself, I know it's something to do with a large bucket and some ice- maybe also a stick, but that's as much as I know. Some experienced information would be gratefully accepted.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Well its not that simple. What you need is what they call bubble bags. They have a silk screen in the bottom. You line the bucket with the bags and poor ice water and leaves in it. mix it up with a mixer and let the chrystals fall threw the bottom where just the chrystals are cought. You will have a mud like substance at the end. Let it dry out and then press it. Now you have hash.


New Member
Wow. Can't wait to get stuck in. Do I throw in the whole plant? Sorry, you just said the leaves. Can't I throw in the whole plant, isn't there thc in the stem? Is there a water to plant weight ratio? Thanks for your help.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Yeah you can put the stems in but they get tangled in the mixer and become more of a pain than anything.

Do a google search for bubble bags.


New Member
Not worth bothering with the stems and branches then? How do the peasants do it in cambodia, india etc? I would really love to make it the peasant way my first time.


Well-Known Member
They probably use silk screens. This is how I did it the first time. i bought a silk screen at the photo supply store and put leaves and small buds on it and shook it over a glass coffee table. Probably wasnt the purest, but it was time consuming and a pain in the ass. If thats what youre looking for. A friend of mine made a tumbler system that used a rotisserie oven motor. Here's a link to one you can buy, but it doesnt seem too difficult to make Original tumbler


New Member
Cheers sublime, you've given me a great idea. Checked the link and I think I know of a material that'll do the job. It's a polymer and is at present the screen around one of my house lamps. Very tightly-spaced, extra small holes on the thing.

Did you rub the leaf and other material into the screen? or is it best to merely shake it around?


Well-Known Member
glad i could help. for the tumbler just load it in and let it roll. i tried to contact that guy who made his but he seems to have fallen off the planet. for the screen method i just kind of patted it to break off the trichomes/calyxes. but i wouldnt do it too hard because you might crunch up the leaves and such and get a lot of unwanted stuff through the screen. it takes a while but it works.


Active Member
im in tassie an a guy gives me 10 bucks bout every 3 months to clean my bong, he scrapes the black resin out of my pipe, dries it out and adds it to his joints. that way you get a huge thc hits its like pure resin


Well-Known Member
Idk if you guys wanted to try this but if you put the leaves and stuff in a container and then let it sit in the freezer for like 45min those trichomes will break right off and pretty much pour through the screen...just a thought