Resin smoking


New Member
im usually smokin out my bongs or bubbler never my pieces and i clean my downsstem for the roor and the ashcatcher 2-3x a week and the bong once a week so theres nothing but smoke gunk


Well-Known Member
i've pulled apart many a pipe to get to the gooey center. I've had cannabis oil run out of a pipe. Think about how fast one-hitters get clogged up with cannabis oil. i just scrape that shit up and put it on a equal amount of weed (with the weed on the bottom) so it doesn't all just melt down the stem again.

like da greenearth5 says, if it was good weed, then that oil / resin is gonna get you blowed.


Well-Known Member
You mean you wash your bowl everytime before smoking? that would seem like a pain to me.
Not at all. Takes me about 30 seconds and is completly worth it. Grab my pipe / bong and the alcohol and the rock, salt, pour them in and shake, pour the alcohol in a bowl and put downstem and bowl in that, rinse and dry tube, use pipe cleaner (mine is from a turkey baster) soaked in the bong alcohol to get the downstem and bowl, rinse with hot water, blow excess water out and dry bowl and stem with a paper towel. If you clean your pipe on a regular basis it is really easy (I cleaned a pipe for my buddy and it took forever and was a real pain in the ass compared to my daily maintenece). Grab my smoke kit with bud, grinder, pipe, screens, papers, lighter. Walk up-stairs and pack a bowl.

I can't even smoke out of a dirty piece anymore because you cant taste the bud (and that is my favorite part).


Well-Known Member
Im just lazy I guess...
LOL - I promise I am lazier than you.

When something is easier and better there is no excuse not to do it. It is easier IMO to maintain a clean pipe than clean a filthy pipe every so often and IMO the smoke is better everytime you smoke out of a clean pipe vs a pipe that hits nastier every time (I know some people like gummed up pipes).

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Yes i am a resin smoker,it is better than no buzz at all.Now that i have a vaporizer,i put my resin in a paper and wad it up.No bad taste and one hell of a buzz.OPH


Well-Known Member
Sometimes after we finish smoking out of my friends bowl we each just take one hit just running the lighter all around the inside of the bowl just to get any crystals that weren't smoked. There's occasionally those sticky little green/black pieces stuck to the side that stay lit.

One time when we only had a bowls worth we took the resin out afterwards, put a tiny bit of tobacco on the bottom of the bowl and put the resin on top so it wouldn't run into the rest of the bowl. It was alright, only the taste sucked because I don't like cigarettes and the resin tasted like shit so it was a double negative.


Well-Known Member
Smoking resin is da bomb. It is alrite but it taste like dirty, but it will get you extremly high.
usualy we will take somebodys pipe apart after we havent cleaned it out in a good week or so, and scrape out with a paper clip, all the black gooey gunk in there, just pure resin. we will then scrape that on a rolling paper, then put ciggerette ashes in the bowl then the paper with resin on it and light er up. the ciggerette ashes help the resin from melting to much and going back into the pipe. anybody else do anything like this? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Smoking resin is da bomb. It is alrite but it taste like dirty, but it will get you extremly high.
usualy we will take somebodys pipe apart after we havent cleaned it out in a good week or so, and scrape out with a paper clip, all the black gooey gunk in there, just pure resin. we will then scrape that on a rolling paper, then put ciggerette ashes in the bowl then the paper with resin on it and light er up. the ciggerette ashes help the resin from melting to much and going back into the pipe. anybody else do anything like this? :bigjoint:
Oh that's what we did! Haha I couldn't remeber if we used ash or tobacco....

I guess that's proof that the resin worked pretty good lol.


Well-Known Member
my friend smashed open his bubbler to get to the resin on the inside there was a shitload of resin inside. but not worth the 60 that the bubbler cost
hes an idiot. but ill admit if i have no weed i have no problem harvesting the resin. i use a paper clip n knock off the hard stuff then run water thru my pipe n get it loose so it all comes out n i dry that. so i got sum smoke for my shitty bowl and a nice clean bowl for the kindest of herbs


Well-Known Member
I just tried getting the resin out of my bong, and a paperclip dident work. Does anyone have any tricks?


Well-Known Member
I just tried getting the resin out of my bong, and a paperclip dident work. Does anyone have any tricks?
Light all around the outside and bottom of the bowl (anywhere but inside) until the resin becomes goey or a little smoke starts to come out, then take a paperclip and lightly roll it around the inside of the bowl, then put the paperclip on a piece of paper or something to let the resin harden and dry out. Then scrape it of the paperclip and you have some resin. Also afterwards run water through the bowl and stem into a cup and then leave the cup out until all the water has evaporated (you shouldn't use too much) and your left with a little bit of resin.


Well-Known Member
you could do a isopropyl extraction... just keep swishing it around till its off the glass then 'dehydrate' the isopropyl (the purer iso the better).

i used to have a 'chamber pipe" it unscrewed in the middle and you could put like half an 1/8 in there easy. You'd smoke several bowls through it and the stuff you broke up in there would be gooey/resinated/Yummy.


Active Member
yeah those chamber bowls are the shyte...whoever invented those is my kinda dude.

As for loto123 I have used a metal hanger, dismantle the hanger, then shape hanger into like a hook to scratch and knock off chunks into the water, then strain the water(I usually use a paper towel to strain it, just pour it on slowly)

HOWEVER the resin that is constantly wet in the bong will be the moldiest shit youve ever smoked. I mean Horrible so that's a word of caution. I have smoked it on extreme droughts and will:spew: never do it again. You'll see what I mean LOL half the high is from straight up mold...not healthy:dunce:


New Member
chamber bowls...chamber bowls....


as for a moldy bong.....gross man, dump the water after each session if not each hit...

just get 2 jugs before you smoke, one empty for used bong water, one full, for refilling.