Resin questions


Active Member
Hey, I have a plant that I've been growing outside on my fire escape for the past couple of months and its about time for harvest, thing is this plant has been stunted in growth due to lack of sunlight and other nutrients. My question is will the plants stunted growth also slow down bud production? due to my lack of growing gear, i dont have a x10 magnifying glass to check on my trichomes, is there a way to check on weather or not my plants trichomes are milky enough to harvest from just looking very closely?

Happy smokin' :bigjoint:
Hey, I have a plant that I've been growing outside on my fire escape for the past couple of months and its about time for harvest, thing is this plant has been stunted in growth due to lack of sunlight and other nutrients. My question is will the plants stunted growth also slow down bud production? due to my lack of growing gear, i dont have a x10 magnifying glass to check on my trichomes, is there a way to check on weather or not my plants trichomes are milky enough to harvest from just looking very closely?

Happy smokin' :bigjoint:
Someone told me that when the trichromes start bending it's ready. You could try going by that, I didn't have a microscope, but you can tell when they get to that white point by eye, after that white point they won't get any "brighter" so you know the thc is turning into CBD which gives a good body stone. So if you let it go just a day or two longer than you think, you'll notice a difference or know if you should harvest

mushroom man

Active Member
well yes if the plant isnt took care of and donthave the proper nuts and or light it can slow everything down ,or even stop growth all together.u should b able to see when the bud is ripe with a 10x mag glass no prob,or pick a little bud off so u can get a better look


Well-Known Member
since you have no real way at the moment to check the trichs just look at the hairs on the buds. peak harvest is about 75% red or orange hairs. they start out white and will turn just like the trichs do.obviously it would be best to get yourself a cheap loupe or pocket scope but going by the hairs should do you just fine.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have a plant that I've been growing outside on my fire escape for the past couple of months and its about time for harvest, thing is this plant has been stunted in growth due to lack of sunlight and other nutrients. My question is will the plants stunted growth also slow down bud production? due to my lack of growing gear, i dont have a x10 magnifying glass to check on my trichomes, is there a way to check on weather or not my plants trichomes are milky enough to harvest from just looking very closely?

Happy smokin' :bigjoint:
Try some of these links if you wanna order one....
BTW, how many comments do you get on the 'bacon' on a site like this? LOL No offense


Active Member
Yeah, im gonna buy some magnifying glass in the up coming month here, getting a full set of indoor gear, thanks for the help :]


Active Member
thanks mrbungle79 ;] & too [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]imchucky666 i get alot of positive comments about xd, mostly people who think im some how related to kevin bacon, lol.[/FONT]