Resin Lips

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright just throwing this out there....... never really noticed it this much before but i have always noticed a little.

I am talking about the resin that gets on your lips or in your mouth why your smoking. I have noticed a big change lately, not sure if its my piece witch i clean to a sparkle everyday almost every hit, or the way i am hitting it. I was thinking that its the weed maybe better nutes lmao i dont know man just trying to figure this out. Its not like i buy shit always getting top meds, even been switching up the clinics where i get it from thought i might have been getting bad meds.

I dont know whats going on just tired of tasting this shit resin and smoke when i am paying for top grade meds.

Any one running into this problem ??

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
dam :cuss: getting ready to take a hit and no help yet, lmao, i know it takes time.

but i want to take a nice hit tired of this resin

if you have read this thread and are like wtf is this guy talking about, whipe your mouth after you take a bong rip with a white towel see if theres any resin.


Bruce Leroy

Active Member
you've either got too much or too little water in there and it's splashing, assuming your using a bong. if it's a pipe ash is inevitable unless you have a screen. joints leave shit in your mouth if you roll up a bad roach.


Well-Known Member
If your bowl is downhill from your mouth I don't see how the tar could make it's way up the (clean) pipe and into/onto your mouth.

If you're using a bong it's even more perplexing, I've only seen that shit from smoking a bone, or smoking a dirty pipe for long enough to get the tar liquified...and even then you'd have to hold the bowl end uphill from your mouth....


Well-Known Member
You know, the same kind of thing happens to my boyfriend when he smokes. He always manages to get this spot of resin between his front teeth. I don't know how he does it, even when the bowl is clean, and it NEVER happens to me. It doesn't matter how he holds the pipe, or if he consciously tries to keep his teeth out of the way... he still gets that resin spot.

Maybe you're a resin magnet, too? If we could find some sort of trait that links the two of you, maybe we can narrow down the cause.

Are you Korean by any chance? LOL


Well-Known Member
On second thought, maybe if you put some chapstick or lip balm on before you smoke... Something as a barrier between your lips and the resin?

Just a thought. I like Burt's Beeswax lip balm, myself. Nice and pepperminty. It's really quite lovely.

full of purple

Well-Known Member
On second thought, maybe if you put some chapstick or lip balm on before you smoke... Something as a barrier between your lips and the resin?

Just a thought. I like Burt's Beeswax lip balm, myself. Nice and pepperminty. It's really quite lovely.
never had that problem and i smoke out of every thing like joints,cans,swishers,water bottles,bongs,pipes and even pin caps with tin foil, maybe u could be hittin it to hard?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i get the same type of thing. and like DoobnVA, i tend to get a little spot of resin right in the slit in the middle of my upper lip, not always, but i get it, yet at the same time, my flatmate will take over, smoke away, nothing. pass it back, ewwww!

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
you've either got too much or too little water in there and it's splashing, assuming your using a bong. if it's a pipe ash is inevitable unless you have a screen. joints leave shit in your mouth if you roll up a bad roach.
Yea using a bong about two feet, ill try playing with the water level thanks man.

If your bowl is downhill from your mouth I don't see how the tar could make it's way up the (clean) pipe and into/onto your mouth.

If you're using a bong it's even more perplexing, I've only seen that shit from smoking a bone, or smoking a dirty pipe for long enough to get the tar liquified...and even then you'd have to hold the bowl end uphill from your mouth....
Yea bowl is downhill, i am guessing resin in the smoke, If i hit a pipe i dont get it wierd shit but i like my bong well i did its on my shit list right now.

You know, the same kind of thing happens to my boyfriend when he smokes. He always manages to get this spot of resin between his front teeth. I don't know how he does it, even when the bowl is clean, and it NEVER happens to me. It doesn't matter how he holds the pipe, or if he consciously tries to keep his teeth out of the way... he still gets that resin spot.

Maybe you're a resin magnet, too? If we could find some sort of trait that links the two of you, maybe we can narrow down the cause.

Are you Korean by any chance? LOL
On second thought, maybe if you put some chapstick or lip balm on before you smoke... Something as a barrier between your lips and the resin?

Just a thought. I like Burt's Beeswax lip balm, myself. Nice and pepperminty. It's really quite lovely.
Nice to hear someone other then me has this resin mouth problem, does he take bigger hits then you ?? I will try the lipbalm see if the resin will just slides off my lips and into my lungs where its supposed to be. Nah white boy German,Irish

never had that problem and i smoke out of every thing like joints,cans,swishers,water bottles,bongs,pipes and even pin caps with tin foil, maybe u could be hittin it to hard?
I always pack the bowl full no matter the size of the bowl, and always at least cough once.

eat edibles,,,,if u have a prob wit resin its inevitable burnt herb =resin,,,lol
Yea thats what i figured, i was going old school and doing a tissue paper over the top and dam dont get near the hit. I might start looking into getting a vap.

Thanks for all the replys


Active Member
I have this problem with only one of my pieces. This particular bubbler is notorious in my circle of friends to provide the biggest hits out of anyone's piece. I regularly clean my piece and this still happens. I think its just the size of the hit you take. This thing has a reputation of burning through a .3g bowlpack in about 5 hits and it guarantees tar lip.


Active Member
I realize I'm a bit late to this discussion, but this has been happening to me lately too.

I've read that it may be that I'm taking too long to inhale a large hit and so the resin has the time to build up on my lips.

I've also read that it's because of massive hits.

Regarding the post above me, I don't feel that .3g in 5 bowl rips is that significant. I'm pretty sure I can do a .5 in about 2, if not 1....

Perhaps that's why I've started to encounter this problem. I have a bong with a bubbler, charcoal filter and 2 diffusers, plus a 7 inches of ice at the top.

I think I am just able to take massive hits now and am inadvertently pulling so much smoke through that resin has the time to settle on my lips.


Active Member
I have solved the problem.

Over the years, my lips inched further and further into the bong as I became more and more comfortable with the action. Years in, my entire lip surface area was being jammed into the top opening. I looked somewhat like a fish when I would do the same movement in the mirror. About two months ago, I started getting resin lips (bong mouth) and I was perplexed. I tried all the ways people suggested to get rid of it, such as packing smaller bowls, lowering the water level, and milking it less. However, the only thing that worked was simply, me changing my lip position.

All I did to fix it was do some serious thinking about how much area my lips were taking up when they were jammed so far down into the bong. I compared that with the actual opening between my lips that allowed smoke into my mouth. Surprisingly, the surface area of my lips probably took up 80% of the total sucking area, and so obviously the smoke would be accumulating on my lips and turning to resin, as opposed to entering my lungs.

So, if you have this problem, I highly recommend changing your lip position. Take your lips back out of the opening and allow less surface area of your lips to block the smoke from your mouth-hole. Make your mouth-hole as wide as it can be and this problem should be fixed. Allow the smoke to enter your mouth and not get stuck on your lips, which happen to be obstructing your mouth-hole.


Well-Known Member
I find if you smoke thru a lot of ice the smoke rapidly cools and forms more resin. Sometimes it's just the strain. I have had joints that dripped orange resin out the end before.


Well-Known Member
I've had some issues with joints and resin lips. It's a bitch to get off. I think it's from weed that has too much moisture content but I don't use a bong much so can't help too much.


New Member
i get this too with bongs and noone has a real solution, the best ive read so far could be shape of mouth to wich points the strongest so far but certain conditions could make it more previlant like moisture and smoke together so perhaps the colder the water (more condensation) the more likely it will occur ?

anyway ive had no solution to this other than to cut the top of a water bottle or any bottle for that matter off and stick it to the top of my bong, this stops all tar getting on lips for me but makes a bong look ugly.

in any case the community needs to find a solid solution to this bcz it is a problem amongst a few

maybe bong manufacturers should take notice of this problem and make changes to the shape of the mouth piece of bongs to prevent this for the select few that shape thier mouth in such a way or have teeth shaped in such a way that tar sticks to them ?
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