Res Size


Well-Known Member
I have a 2x2 flood tabel, what would be a good size res? The guy at the hydro shop said 25 gallon but I think it may be overkill....
Ten gallons is going probably to be the minimum, twenty would be nice. How tall is the flood table?
Hey northern, you can figure that one out for your self. 2x2= ?sq.ft. Depth of flood/12 x the sq.ft=cu.ft. A cubic foot of water weighs just under 64# or just about 8 gallons/cu.ft. I would agree 3 times the table capcity is a little high. VV
I just did the conversion, the 2x2x7" table holds about 17.45 gallons, so 25 gall res makes sense I guess... I also have to flood it as much as posable since I'm growing in 6" rockwool cubes, thanks guys!
I ran a test on my 2x2x7 tray and pump last week to see how long it takes to flood.I have a 18 gal res and it only took 5 gals to flood the tray.But I put the 4-5" net pot with hydroton and the tray fill to the overflow with hydroton balls.I think the 18 gal will work all right I'am changing the res every 10 days and hope to only replace 3 or 4 gals between res change.20 gal res would be more stable and easyer.I have the same tray you do nt. I'll have some pixs this wkend,the cab is almost done.And the tests will start,heat ,water temps,the light tight test. Peace
I completely forgot about that lol. Thanks guys! Thats means I can reduce the res size a bit and give my plants far more room to grow without any issues.
And in any hydro bed that is flooded, you can further reduce the amount needed to flood by filling the open spaces with something, like a brick, or large rocks, or plastic jugs of water. Only if you have any room to fill, of course, if your bed is entirely filled with pots you won't need this.

HTH :mrgreen:
Not a bad idea, these cubes take up a lot of space (6" rockwool) but I do have an open corner that could be filled with a brick wrapped in plastic... thanks