[Request] - CXB3590 harvest results pics

Hi doz,
Looking forward to see your results (:

Do you have a special drying tech ?
Do your stems break or twist after those 3 days ?

In my experience, if drying only takes 3 days, it isn't dry yet, or it dried way to quickly and you lose a lot of quality ... 7 days is a minimum in my book. Usually takes 10-12 days when I have close to optimal RH (~60%)..
(I don't mean to bash, just curious)

I live in the desert. To get 60% humidity would take an act of god without some serious money spent. I have never had harshness or quality loss (that I know of) due to drying in 3 days. It may not be fully dry deep inside, but as soon as it goes in the jars to cure, it brings it out and hydrates the rest of the bud. I have to use the 62% humidity packs in my jars as well. After a good cure, there are no issues with the smoke, very smooth. Even on a 3 day dry, its smokable and not harsh.

As far as stems breaking, the majority will but the larger ones wont. But like I said, its not a big deal due to some of the buds being a little dryer than others and once they go in to cure, it all works out.
Ill have some dried pics of Critical Kush under CXB3070's in about 2 weeks. Harvest time is looking like next weekend! So far, I am liking what I see.

And I would agree with SupraSPL about finishes. I am looking at about 56 days to finish completely and the lower buds are much further along than with HPS. They are not only more dense, but maturity is much closer to the top buds than it has been with HPS.
I feel ya. I can see the difference as well my Blue Kripple didn't looks as good when I used the Mars light I almost want to smash the 1600's I have but I'm gonna sell them so I can buy even more cobs. I've bought over 150 of them so far lol.
Hi Fellers, I just finished a Critical Kush under 4 cob's, 2 3590's 3000k 36v and 2 3070y2's 3000k @ 700mA and ended up with just under 3 oz. dry. Very short and stocky and even canopy. My last two plant's I harvested were Lemon Kush under 4- 3590 3000k @ 700mA, One was 59 gr. dry and the other is hanging right now and is all of 3 oz. by far the best so far.DSCF0255.JPG Critical Kush pics 1,2 and Lemon last but not least.


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A thing of beauty. Critical Kush grown under 400w of CXB3070. Yielded 487g @ 1.21 gram per watt. I really do believe I can up that number as well and I plan to on the next batch. I am running the same strain one more time and will be making a few minor adjustments to the grow. Space is 2'x5' so I am at 9 PAR W/sq ft (a little low). I really think that I can yield about 550g on the next grow. All in all, I yielded about 100g less but I ran with 600w less as well.