Reputable clinics to vendor to

There is no reason why it can't happen. It might not be some guy growing in his garage, or even a warehouse, but you bet your hydroton there will be brand names of cannabis. There are already brand name clone companies and brand name concentrate cos (Crown Extracts as an example) Especially once big money gets involved, there will be branding. Big money is, IMO also how we'll get legalization. Even dispensaries are just brand name, storefront dealers.

The days of the shady dispensary are limited. They may still be in their heyday but their days are numbered.

Change the culture. Smack down people who do equate cannabis with cheech and chong. Get your friends to smoke. Have cannabis and wine dinner parties. Encourage your fave celeb to smoke cannabis, post on their facebook page. Create the culture. Hey, we can try at least.
There is no reason why it can't happen. It might not be some guy growing in his garage, or even a warehouse, but you bet your hydroton there will be brand names of cannabis.

Sure, eventually, just not under the current dispensary system because they wouldn't agree to it.

There are already brand name clone companies and brand name concentrate cos (Crown Extracts as an example) Especially once big money gets involved, there will be branding. Big money is, IMO also how we'll get legalization. Even dispensaries are just brand name, storefront dealers.

Yep. But buds are the dispensary's bread and budder still. That's where they get the highest profit margins. They will continue to control that shit.

The days of the shady dispensary are limited. They may still be in their heyday but their days are numbered.

I agree. The dispensaries for the most part are all pretty bad at what they do. If someone with some real business skills came in, they'd be done for. But that would require legalization first.
There is no way that marijuana will ever be legal at a federal level. There is too much time/resources thrown at the drug war/money and power within the big pharm companies to allow it to happen. We all know several states have legalized it but the feds come in and smack that down.

I agree with Dan Kone. The dispensaries are not going to want to say this is XXX buds. They will want to say this is our dispensaries buds. If someone goes in there and purchases Mithrandir's buds you better believe the buyer will be wondering where can I find Mithrandir and try to stray away from the dispensary.
You don't know that full legalization will never come. You absolutely do not know that. At one time we thought it would never ever be legal at the state level. We thought MD's would be getting their licenses taken away left and right.

Big pharma may play a role, but they are not the only ones. In addition, we do still have the power of the vote. I think that it will be fully legal, but regulated much like wine and beer for recreational use. Canna medecine will take on the form of normal everyday medicine in that the canna based drugs will target certain conditions, and only the cannabinoids, terps, etc that effect the condition will be used. Once big pharm can work out who gets what slice of that pie you'll see companies get exclusive permits to run experiments.

I also believe that once recreational legalization comes, 95% of patients will suddenly cease to exist. Your argument about seeking the grower out... do you seek out the brewer of your fave beer? If I had a company, legal or not, do you think I would let anyone other than employees or legit reps through my door? Even if you found me I would tell you that we do not sell to the public, and you can find our products at these fine locations...
Big pharma may play a role, but they are not the only ones. In addition, we do still have the power of the vote.

We don't really have the power to vote federally. We get to choose between two presidential candidates who are both against legalization. There are no federal ballot measures. All we really have is popular opinion. New polling from April has legalization at an approval rating above 50% for the first time in history. Just last year it was only 47%. By the next presidential election it's likely 55-60% of the population will be in favor of legalization. Once it goes past 60% national politicians will have to take note.

I think that it will be fully legal, but regulated much like wine and beer for recreational use. Canna medecine will take on the form of normal everyday medicine in that the canna based drugs will target certain conditions, and only the cannabinoids, terps, etc that effect the condition will be used. Once big pharm can work out who gets what slice of that pie you'll see companies get exclusive permits to run experiments.

How legalization works will entirely depends on how the laws are written. I have no clue what that's going to look like. It's more legal in Cali than it is in Colorado even though they have legal recreational. The devils in the details.
You don't know that full legalization will never come. You absolutely do not know that. At one time we thought it would never ever be legal at the state level. We thought MD's would be getting their licenses taken away left and right.

Big pharma may play a role, but they are not the only ones. In addition, we do still have the power of the vote. I think that it will be fully legal, but regulated much like wine and beer for recreational use. Canna medecine will take on the form of normal everyday medicine in that the canna based drugs will target certain conditions, and only the cannabinoids, terps, etc that effect the condition will be used. Once big pharm can work out who gets what slice of that pie you'll see companies get exclusive permits to run experiments.

I also believe that once recreational legalization comes, 95% of patients will suddenly cease to exist. Your argument about seeking the grower out... do you seek out the brewer of your fave beer? If I had a company, legal or not, do you think I would let anyone other than employees or legit reps through my door? Even if you found me I would tell you that we do not sell to the public, and you can find our products at these fine locations...

Yeah its legal at the state level. But who really cares when federal law supercedes that. If they come looking forto you are you going to be able to say hey its legal in my state?

Yes I would rather go direct to the producer of an item. If I could go straight to the producer to buy goods I will. All my veggies for example I go to farmers markets and I buy direct from the producer. I just bought a smoker and instead of going through a retailer I bought direct from the manufacturers.
Harbor Side Health Center, the best and most professionally run I have ever seen. The rest are pretty much a joke, i've been to a lot down south and they all suck. I will give you a tip though and your welcome in advance No fronts what so ever, don't leave any samples and Don't fuck with any Armanen's or russians, they are scum and will try and rob you any chance they get.

There are a good amount of shops that will pick up product, regardless if they're growing or not, good herb is good herb. Also, it is ARMENIAN, not w.e. you wrote. It is a fucking stupid thing to say, and to generalize the race as a whole. The same can be said about you, so have some fucking respect, and let yourself be the judge of who to deal with and who not to, not just because they're Armenian or Russian.
dont get offended "bro", just cuz you live in glendale in your old beamer, cruising aimlessesly , "bro"


i kid i kid
Nah, I just hate seeing bullshit like this. One shit writes their genius "advice" and then someone goes along reads it and generalizes all Armenians and Russians..
Sure, eventually, just not under the current dispensary system because they wouldn't agree to it.

Yep. But buds are the dispensary's bread and budder still. That's where they get the highest profit margins. They will continue to control that shit.

I agree. The dispensaries for the most part are all pretty bad at what they do. If someone with some real business skills came in, they'd be done for. But that would require legalization first.

Have to disagree with you. I see some dispensaries here in Socal that have branded nugs and concentrates. I would expect this to become more prevalent as it is so flooded with crap grown in closets with no skilll or love. Dispensaries will always grow their own 'deal nugs' but very few grow their own top shelf. Norcal is probably totally diff animal.
Have to disagree with you. I see some dispensaries here in Socal that have branded nugs and concentrates. I would expect this to become more prevalent as it is so flooded with crap grown in closets with no skilll or love. Dispensaries will always grow their own 'deal nugs' but very few grow their own top shelf. Norcal is probably totally diff animal.

Yep. I'm in NorCal. Never seen a branded bud in my life. Dispensaries here wouldn't accept that.
That's too bad because that could be a great model. A little odd too since if that dispensary carries a well known grower's product, patients will flock there and sell out instantly. Instant credibility and differentiation. Like everyone has said though, they aren't business people and don't understand branding.
Branded buds, concentrates & clones are all over Sacramento
Yeah I see it on harborsides menu sometimes, like "delta559" or "intensive care" attached to a strain name, and the clones are most of the time sold with the knowledge of which grower/collective they came from .."DHN,MO,QB" ..etc