Reputable breeders


Well-Known Member
You won't see my bragging on many of the big guys. Not that I have anything against them...well, yeah, I do: the prices. So I try to find nice, inexpensive strains that people seem to like. I'm only growing for myself, so I don't need anything high dollar to get me where I need to be with some vape time.

I'm that way in the rest of my life too. I don't eat at the pricey restaurants, but neither do eat at the shit holes. When I get beer, its in the mid range. Same with vodka (only hard alcohol I like).

That being said, I've had great success (imo) with many varieties of Female, Sweet, Nirvana, G13 (freebie), and World of Seeds (freebie). I've grown a few of Female's and all have been good. I've got more in stock to try in the future from Dinafem and Emerald Triangle, as well as a shitload of freebies. Even so, I do want to keep focusing on the smaller, lesser known breeders, because i bet they have some great stuff too.

The worst luck I've had so far is Cali Conn. To be fair both were freebies. One hermied 17 days into 12/12 and the other simply didn't germinate. The only reason I even bothered to try them is that they were free and supposed to be good.

I've grown and successfully harvested some others, but they just didn't do anything for me. Both from reputable companies (as the consensus goes), but sometimes you get the bad pheno and other times you fuck the grow up yourself.