Ursus marijanus
One consequence of the new indictment of the traitor President is that the GOP is almost unanimously laying the blame not on the perpetrator(s), but the Department of Justice.
This thread is presented as a place to document the Republican effort, now self-sustaining without its mob-boss figurehead, to discredit and disable the justice and judicial system that has become massively inconvenient to an organized cabal of GOP legislators intent on institutionalizing minority rule, an objective at obvious odds with the philosophy and policies of a republic.
To do so, the overthrow legislators must engage in visible treason, a crime in any honest state. Their answer is to undo the system framed to protect a government by, for and of the people.
Other threads are documenting the culture war, voter disenfranchisement and Congressional obstruction.
This one seeks to focus on the now-plain offensive on a system that would hold GOP activists to account for their intense and sustained attack on this nation’s core institutions tasked with investigating and addressing high crimes and misdemeanors directed against its expressly egalitarian constitution, in both senses of the word.
It begins thus:
This thread is presented as a place to document the Republican effort, now self-sustaining without its mob-boss figurehead, to discredit and disable the justice and judicial system that has become massively inconvenient to an organized cabal of GOP legislators intent on institutionalizing minority rule, an objective at obvious odds with the philosophy and policies of a republic.
To do so, the overthrow legislators must engage in visible treason, a crime in any honest state. Their answer is to undo the system framed to protect a government by, for and of the people.
Other threads are documenting the culture war, voter disenfranchisement and Congressional obstruction.
This one seeks to focus on the now-plain offensive on a system that would hold GOP activists to account for their intense and sustained attack on this nation’s core institutions tasked with investigating and addressing high crimes and misdemeanors directed against its expressly egalitarian constitution, in both senses of the word.
It begins thus:

Trump's GOP defenders in Congress leap into action on charges after months of preparation
Former President Donald Trump’s indictment on charges of mishandling classified documents is set to play out in federal court in Florida. But about a thousand miles away, part of Trump’s defense is well underway in a different venue — the halls of Congress. That's where Republicans have been...