republicans once again shit on their own ideas


Well-Known Member
no, not romneycare.

not cap and trade.

not the payroll tax cut.

not infrastructure repair.

this time around, it's energy efficient light bulbs. they blocked the very standards they themselves put into law back in 2007.

how pathetic is that?
Republicans couldn't have put anything into place in 07. Dems won big majorities in both houses.

Nice try though.
I'm still giddy over the shellacking the Democrats took in November. That was a complete rejection of everything Obama. Yep, if the Republicans play their cards right the clock can be turned back on most of these progressive policies put into place under Obama. I for one really miss the pre-Obama America.
no, not romneycare.

not cap and trade.

not the payroll tax cut.

not infrastructure repair.

this time around, it's energy efficient light bulbs. they blocked the very standards they themselves put into law back in 2007.

how pathetic is that?

Again, the party of let's rip the country off, one sector at a time.

Democraps are no better; you should see what they allowed to pass with no argument last week.
I'm still giddy over the shellacking the Democrats took in November. That was a complete rejection of everything Obama. Yep, if the Republicans play their cards right the clock can be turned back on most of these progressive policies put into place under Obama. I for one really miss the pre-Obama America.
Pre-Obama? As in being at war and in a recession?
While the politics around who did what is fascinating, I really have to wonder who could be against energy efficient light bulbs and what sort of argument could that person conjure up?
I really think a better title for this thread would, " Politicians once again shit on America". It doesn't have the sophomoric edge of the original, butit would be a nice change of pace.
And how did Obama personally affect your success or failure?

...Especially considering Mr. Obama was busy preventing the next Great Depression- which was a direct result of selfish (as in elitist), shortsighted Republican championed policies.

Mr. Obama hasn't had a completely docile Congress to work with, like Shrubbery 43 and Darth Cheney did.

Was Mr. Obama able to repeal the Great Tax Cut for the Rich? No. Was he able to even address, let alone alter the myriad of tax breaks, favorable regulations and outright loopholes that routinely allow the wealthy to game their system?

Yes, it's their system/ government/ country- they bought and paid for it, didn't they! They can call it anything they like, even 'democracy'. That we believe them is only to their advantage.

Personally, I think the baby is dead. Toss the bathwater and start over with another one.
I really think a better title for this thread would, " Politicians once again shit on America". It doesn't have the sophomoric edge of the original, butit would be a nice change of pace.

By all means, consider yourself invited to do exactly that, with any particularly egregious piece of legislation that you can find. I don't mean it as a challenge, it shouldn't be difficult.

So now what do we do? We've been sold down the river by both parties that claim to represent us. Both are dishonest and will happily do it again to save their own skins.

I have one very good idea; instead of riots and protests in poor neighborhoods or business districts, have them in the toniest parts of town. THAT will spur change of the sort that's badly needed, because only when the plutocrats recognize their ass is also on the line will they realize we're all in this together and we will all get treated fairly- or they will suffer, too.

I suggest the next protests to be held in Narragansett, West Palm Beach, Jupiter Beach and the Hamptons. Scratch a Ferrari or two, see what happens?