Repotting plants...from a 2 gallon container to a 5


Well-Known Member
Hi there,
my plants are about a foot and half tall in 2 gallon buckets, ive realized that I need bigger pots for them cause once i flower them there going to get massive,
any tips on how to repot a plant once its this large? ive repotted from 2l coke bottles but not sure how to do it once they are of this size, any tips?
Wait until the medium dries out a little bit. Roll outside of the two gallon pot around some to loosen the whole root system. Bear in mind that if your plant is severely root bound it will not grow into new soil. I typically cut a good amount of the roots at the bottom of the plant so it will be encouraged to build new ones. It won't hurt. Make sure to have at least two inches of new soil below the plant. You can also bury your plant fairly deep if they are too big. I usually bury the plant up to the first node.

To lessen plant stress and shock it's a good time to use a tablespoon of mycos directly at the root base. Water lightly after the transplant.
Try to keep your root ball intact when transplanting.

Please do not cut your roots to encourage new growth.

Roots are the structure of the plant, cutting roots is usually never a good thing and will only lead to stress on your plant.

Fill your new pot with enough soil,so your rootball will sit a a few inches below the rim of the new pot.

Gently fill the rest of the pot with new soil,then water the plant in to it's new home.

With bigger plants,sometimes it's nice to have a friend around.
Ok, so I have a lot of exp transplanting since I do it at the dispensary I grow for on adaily basis.
What both these guys have said bears some truth. A two gallon isn't really that tough.
Start by getting the 5 gallon prepped with soil.
roll the 2 gallon between your hands to loosen it up.
put your hand flat again the dirt on the top of the two gallon (I usually have the stem of the pants between my middle finger and ring finger)
flip entire plant upside down and gently take the pot of the rootball
If the plant is very rootbound you can always "score" it. (take a knife or similar object and just cut small lines down 3-4 sides and an X on the bottom)
Put plant in bigger pot, fill with soil, and water.
ok sweet, so pretty much how I alrdy do it! ill take some pics for yah guys since you were so helpful, I was just worried the weight of the soil could damage the plant during the transplant, thanks guys!