Replanting before flowering?


Active Member
I started 5 plants on Feb 5. Started on 24 hour light and cut back to 18/6 after about month and a half. I think my pots are to small and think I should transplant them into larger pots. Is this a bad idea this far along in the growing stage or can I transplant them and still be alright. If I do transplant them, should I wait to put them into flowering for a little while or would it be alright to transplant them and then put them into flowering right away. The plants are just under 2 feet right now and I know I need to transplant them because the pots are just to small once flowering hits.
Any Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
you'll be fine....... i would wait a little bit, maybe 3 days to a week. then switch the lights to flowering schedule.


Active Member
Repot your babies into the biggest containers that are available to you. Keep your plants in the veg room untill new growth is abundant. Should only be a day maybe two. Remember to give them some plain water right after transplanting.


Well-Known Member
do the transplant before you flower, you don't want to do anything that could shock the plants at all during flowering. Translant now and then wait a week before flowering if you have the time.


Active Member
Thanks alot, this gives me some confirmation on what I was thinking, I'll try to keep ya posted on the results