First off we all recommend a little research before jumping head first into any endeavor one decides to pursue, and much of your questions are simple enough to be answered by a little time spent reading before posting. None the less, we proceed...
I have stuck to whole advanced nutrients line (although quite expensive when changed weekly, but hey to each their own) my whole hydroponics career, applied according to their calculator on the website, and I have only found picky ass, expensive sativas that get too tall for indoors anyways, to not like the ratios they give you (very explicit, and easy to follow by the way). Getting to my point...
I use DWC as well, and change reservoir solutions weekly (recommended by AN) with new distilled water, pH and ppm adjusted of course, and into the res it goes. Never encountered a problem in my time, but give the credit to the additives AN produces (no shock, jump-start, and the mass amount of microbial beneficials they load their products with). This is basically up to you, if you have the money to do it weekly, then do it. Its a sure fire way to not run into problems, and to help support our already shaky Hydroponics market.
Also, pH tends to 'swing' through a range over a period of time, and quite quickly after a new res change because it lacks the needed buffer 'pH down' introduces to the solution, essentially slowing the 'swing' to a creep instead of a jog. I would recommend a pH pen instead of the old school, half a vial, three drops, and shake method. Not going to lie though, I will revert to this method when I am out of calibration solution for my pen, and I think its playing jokes on me. A EC/PPM pen is pretty helpful as it indicates basically the strength/concentration of the nutrients down to the parts per million in the water. Everyone here will tell you a given pH they like to roll with but I bring mine to 5.5 almost every time, let it creep to 6.2, and bring it on down again. The current ladies eat it up, but they will say that the most nutrient uptake occurs at 5.6-5.8. Hence the reason I bring mine to 5.5 so it can swing through that given range, and creep past picking up the smaller nutrients not just the basic NPK high in the pH range. But beware to high of pH for too long will start to cause whats known as a nutrient lock out, when that occurs I flush with distilled (0 ppm 5.0 pH out of the bottle) for 24 hrs, and then reset the res to proper ppm, the following day. Another note about pH, always do it last. Make sure water level is right, then check the ppms, adjust to target number, THEN adjust the pH or you're going have a hard time maintaining.
Another thing, I recommend all this technology to help you grow but honestly the more you get experienced with the plants, and what each different strains like you can basically look at the leaves/plants and they will tell you what/if anything you're doing right. Hydroponics is a very accelerated method of growth, so when one thing crashes (exhaust fan, water pump, air pump, number of things at any time) you can lose a crop with tremendous speed with no chance of recovery no matter how forgiving your strain is claimed to be.
This will have to conclude my stoned, broken sentenced ramble so I hope it helps you with at least one of your questions somewhere down the line haha, until then just keep reading!
Be easy!