Repitile Heaters for heating grow box at night?


Hi Rollitup experts.

Temperatures are starting to dip here to about 13/55 at night. During the day the ladies are heated by lights but the temperature does dip when lights are off.

My grow box is 2f x 2f X 4f.

I am considering getting low wattage reptile heaters, which would kick in on a timer at night.

Has anybody had any experience with any of the following or would recommend an alternative?

Thanks for any advise.


Active Member
i own an iguana and i own mulitple lighting/heating sources for him. if you want to maintain some heat at night you can try a ceramic heat emitter. i would get the lower wattage they have i think its 75w or 50w. keep it about a foot away from your plant(s) and it should raise the temp about 5-10 degrees. or you could just turn the heat on in your house haha


Thanks for the feedback :)

or you could just turn the heat on in your house haha
I've got an electric room heater I can put on a timer once the lights go off. I was, however, hoping to utilise localised heating to save on electricity.


Active Member
i hear ya on saving electricity. a low wattage ceramic heat emitter on for a few hours at night wont put too much of a dent on your bill. i run hundreds and hundreds of watts all day for my iggy and i only pay around 150/month. i loves him :)

Stark Raving

Active Member
I use a reptile heat mat for heating clones while they root and it works great. Have it on a thrmostat to maintains perfect soil temps. Not sure if it would do as good a job on ambient temps, since it's most effective when in contact with a solid though. Hell, I even use my incubator to pop seeds! (I'm a snake breeder)