Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If the ancestors of slave owners who still hold wealth today should pay reparations to people who's ancestors helped create that wealth...

...Shouldn't politicians and their minions pay reparations to people who they put in jail for "drug crimes" in recent years?

Didn't many of those politicans deprive people in a kind of "systemic drug bias akin to racism" from providing for their own families? Stigmatize them ?

Steal their houses? Shoot their dogs? Steal their kids and "sell them" off to state approved foster care, much like slave masters sold children of slaves?

Steal their labor from them while the "druggies" were forced to work in jail to support those politicans living like Plantation masters?

Reparations now!!!
If the ancestors of slave owners who still hold wealth today should pay reparations to people who's ancestors helped create that wealth...

...Shouldn't politicians and their minions pay reparations to people who they put in jail for "drug crimes" in recent years?

Didn't many of those politicans deprive people in a kind of "systemic drug bias akin to racism" from providing for their own families? Stigmatize them ?

Steal their houses? Shoot their dogs? Steal their kids and "sell them" off to state approved foster care, much like slave masters sold children of slaves?

Steal their labor from them while the "druggies" were forced to work in jail to support those politicans living like Plantation masters?

Reparations now!!!
Flawed thinking. It's a slippery slope. To what extent do we owe someone for others' past transgressions? Why stop at slavery related things? Your great grand daddy had his gold coin collection stolen... reparations! Your mom's boss fired her from her job? Reparations! C'mon man
If it was never illegal then it would be tomatoes. Nobody is paying their rent off a closet of tomatoes. Great big subcultures don't pop up around tomatoes. Sure sucks people got busted, but if it were any other way many wouldn't be here or have had fun interesting lives. Weird dudes living in the woods wouldn't have been able to grow some pot to support living in the woods.

It would just be this legal shit we have now, budweiser bud with advertising to push it.

*just popping that out there as an aside, I do think it should have been like tomatoes forever.
Flawed thinking. It's a slippery slope. To what extent do we owe someone for others' past transgressions? Why stop at slavery related things? Your great grand daddy had his gold coin collection stolen... reparations! Your mom's boss fired her from her job? Reparations! C'mon man

I don't think we (people with no connection) owe people for others past transgressions either. We agree there.

Aren't politicans and their minions who did transgress still alive though? Isn't their harm being admitted to by them grandstanding with "we will pardon you now druggie" type legislative proclamations?
I'm fine with the government giving out money,

Thank you for your response. Yeah those weird dudes living in the woods are quite a topic, but I was asking if the politicians themselves should pay reparations with their OWN money and not pass their crimes onto the wallets of the American citizens.

I'm fine with reparations for people coming from the people who harmed them.
Oh, well, sure I guess. If it's directly tied to the person doing harm then that's fine.

In your drug war example though, the people doing the harm are also the reason money was made. Those harmed got their end ahead of time.

How do you assign direct blame?
So to get this straight, you're asking that the Politicians involved in putting people away for, say Cannabis, should be paying reparations instead of the average taxpayer? Via Federal funds collected from those taxes? If yes, then I agree with the general concept. I seriously cannot see it working in any reasonable way though. The democratic system isn't set up that way. Is there something more specific you're asking about? Seems like a pretty open ended, generalized question to me
Oh, well, sure I guess. If it's directly tied to the person doing harm then that's fine.

In your drug war example though, the people doing the harm are also the reason money was made. Those harmed got their end ahead of time.

How do you assign direct blame?

Expanding a bit on assigning fault, is it the politician, the enforcer, or the society that puts those first two into place that are to blame. If politicians don't do what people want, they get voted out. Cops are assholes, but in theory confined by rules dictated by the society they got hired to police. If it's all of society you can't assign individual blame.
Oh, well, sure I guess. If it's directly tied to the person doing harm then that's fine.

In your drug war example though, the people doing the harm are also the reason money was made. Those harmed got their end ahead of time.

How do you assign direct blame?

More money was certainly made because there was (still is) prohibition of substances.
Although value is subjective, it's undeniable weed prices spiked far above what would have been a natural pricing supply and demand. Good point.

Assign direct blame? The harm done to victims of the war on drugs echos back years but many of the perpetrators of those harms are still alive. I say go after the living ones first.

Isn't it ironic that former politicians who voted to put people in jail now benefit from weed farming? Cops too, that jailed people now owning a piece of a weed dispensary? That's a little sketchy. I'd at least seek public apologly and no automatic pension for those guys. Plus ask them to donate to some animal shelters or something for shooting peoples dogs etc.
The offending party should be proven to be negligent,as in the Camp Lejune suit.That is reprehensible to know people are drinking contaminated water and to let it continue is negligent .Any entity to have benefitted from negligence should be held responsible.To tariff individuals for the atrocities of the past is antithetic to any type of modern progress.
So to get this straight, you're asking that the Politicians involved in putting people away for, say Cannabis, should be paying reparations instead of the average taxpayer? Via Federal funds collected from those taxes? If yes, then I agree with the general concept. I seriously cannot see it working in any reasonable way though. The democratic system isn't set up that way. Is there something more specific you're asking about? Seems like a pretty open ended, generalized question to me

The specifics can be worked out, glad you get the concept and agree on the injustice. Thanks.
Isn't it ironic that former politicians who voted to put people in jail now benefit from weed farming? Cops too, that jailed people now owning a piece of a weed dispensary? That's a little sketchy. I'd at least seek public apologly and no automatic pension for those guys. Plus ask them to donate to some animal shelters or something for shooting peoples dogs etc.

I'm on board with this.

Another "group" to look at is the corporations that benefited from weed being illegal, and pushed society and politicians to keep it so. How about ye olde reefer madness advocates, Hearst papers benefited by drumming up fear of those jazz cigarettes making the white women run off. Or the cotton and paper industry, logging, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Expanding a bit on assigning fault, is it the politician, the enforcer, or the society that puts those first two into place that are to blame. If politicians don't do what people want, they get voted out. Cops are assholes, but in theory confined by rules dictated by the society they got hired to police. If it's all of society you can't assign individual blame.

All good things to be reconsidered and maybe discussed how to rectify. A public discourse if you will.

I'd favor having more direct responsibilty existing in human relations than creating layers of bureaucracy where it's been too easy to muddy the waters and hide behind, as identified in some of the situations you mention.
All good things to be reconsidered and maybe discussed how to rectify. A public discourse if you will.

I'd favor having more direct responsibilty existing in human relations than creating layers of bureaucracy where it's been to easy to muddy the waters and hide behind, as identified in some of the situations you mention.
Worse is partisanship and money used as a basis for new tolerance of things formerly considered immoral or destructive.Fewer citizens care about individual pot use,so politicians with zero experience suddenly become experts on the matter .
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The specifics can be worked out, glad you get the concept and agree on the injustice. Thanks.

No thanks necessary. I'd assume many people feel the same way about how our "system" in the West isn't fully fleshed out with regards to appropriate justice.
Worse is partisanship and money used as a basis for new tolerance of things formerly considered immoral or destructive.

I'm on board with the destructive part, as it's easier to define and prove the existence of a victim created.

Morality can be subjective though and harder to pin down as far as did it create an actual harm or real victim?

I'm on board with the destructive part, as it's easier to define and prove the existence of a victim created.

Morality can be subjective though and harder to pin down as far as did it create an actual harm or real victim?

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I meant vices with the destructive part being personal,whether health or overall productivity.Again,just a translation error on my part .
I'm on board with this.

Another "group" to look at is the corporations that benefited from weed being illegal, and pushed society and politicians to keep it so. How about ye olde reefer madness advocates, Hearst papers benefited by drumming up fear of those jazz cigarettes making the white women run off. Or the cotton and paper industry, logging, pharmaceuticals, etc.
You would think the potential for harm by corporations and other ongoing entities could be mitigated not incentivising monopolies . Unfortunately it takes less oversight to watch one player than all the Mom and Pops, regardless of how unfair that can be.Another instance of bending the game to lighten the load of regulators.
I don't think I spew Trumpisms.
You don’t directly.

However, as your posts in Memes and Satire attest, you cheerfully propagate the nasty little calumnies the extreme right foists against democrats. Which disaligns you from the actual agents of freedom, and aids&abets the hard-right Big Lie program.

Recently you applauded the child-sniffing lie and some nonsense about Zelenskyy doing the money-laundering more properly ascribable to some US corporate actors.

Yet you never post a meme about that man or the Republican extreme. It’s conspicuous. This signals your tacit agreement/approval with the expressly fascist faction in our government.

Under the voluntaryist veneer you do the retail work for the autocratic agents of hate worldwide, for reasons only you know. Others than I have commented on the hypocrisy baked into your stated positions.