+rep question


Well-Known Member
hey, that is a valid point, but that should only apply in areas of the site that are meant for weed growing only. however, this is toke n talk, where conversation will earn you rep... just how the system works. you can deserve rep without having to talk about growing weed
I understand the whole toke n talk aspect,i also understand the concept of conversation earning rep to a degree,but wouldnt the whole concept rely on the conversation either being about mj & other mj related issues,or the conversation being of such a stimulating nature where reputation should be given out,no matter what forum the member should deserve the rep given,i dont think just showing up constitutes deserve.

The whole idea of rep for fun, or rep as repayment for rep left seems very wannabe'ish,it also cheapens the whole idea of the rep system.

The first rep system we had here was much better,members could leave negative rep that would detract points ,atleast with that system there was a sense of culpability with rep u back teams spilling over to the grow advice forums.

No matter what rep for fun does look mighty wannabe style to many serious growers here & its not just myself,it is what it is though.


Well-Known Member
About a year or two ago there was some idiot on here giving all kinds of bad advice,telling newbs to boil roots,feed birth control pills to the plant,piss on the plant ect.

Bad feature was him & his lil ill rep u back gang repped him where he looked like he knew what the fuck he was talking about.

Why would anybody on a grow site even want rep for non grow related things anyways ? Its not gonna make anybody know more about growing.

Its just my 2 cents but you guys shouldnt abuse the rep system,rep is supposed to be left for good grow advice, not u rep me & ill rep u beacuse were all bored out of our minds.

If the rep system means so little to those who rep for fun then why even care to begin with,its just against the whole spirit of the rep system.

Negative rep feature is what the site needs, not rep for fun.
dont worry bro the admins wont allow it

i only started looking in the talk n toke threads after i learned everything. evertime i go to the newbie threads its always the same question, and it gets old. i have helped my share with simple overwater/underwater,toomuch nute newbies