REP for help...


i have a plant promblem to can you guys help me i dont know what i am doing wrong.the first one was on 5/13 the second one was on 5/19 and the third pic was on 6/4 i t just all started going down hill but its olny the top fan leaves that are dying off. she is onlly 6 or 7 weeks into flower and my buds are small. i put her in flower on 4/23.

sorry for cutting in on the conversation im new to the site i dont know how to post new threads.


Well-Known Member
i have a plant promblem to can you guys help me i dont know what i am doing wrong.the first one was on 5/13 the second one was on 5/19 and the third pic was on 6/4 i t just all started going down hill but its olny the top fan leaves that are dying off. she is onlly 6 or 7 weeks into flower and my buds are small. i put her in flower on 4/23.

sorry for cutting in on the conversation im new to the site i dont know how to post new threads.
what are your temps and what are you feeding the plant?


Well-Known Member
That plant looks toasted.
yea but it does seem to have some lower leafs in tact. it dosnt seem to have grown much, but id say ALL is not LOST
honestly yhough, you should have seeked help on the 13th of last month if you really wanted to save your plant


Active Member
Thanks guys i passed reps like a fat J.IM in soil,indoors, i check the ph after i fix up the mix but not after run off.Will do guys. Some one said it looks like mag def. is this true? Should i flush with ph salt water?


Well-Known Member

maybe a bit of epsom salt in the water if MG def is your problem, but not your standard salt water

im sticking to my assumption that its Ph related. have you seen this chart? it says that certain nutes are taken in by the plant at certain Phs, a great little source

View attachment 976689


i decided to just cut her down i got some invice from a friend he said i was using the wrong lights for flower i tried getting help and no one replied on the 13th


Active Member
well if you asking me "CRAZYGROWGUY" Im in black gold soil,4 plants dr60 150 hps sunsystem 2. I use cns 17 grow,bloom,liqiud karma.Did a flush last night the put epson salt in the last water they got. Hope my girls recover thanks for the help...


Active Member
Not sure what black gold soil is, but if it already ahs nutes in it you are probably over feeding it. im sure if you google "over fertilized marijuana) you could compare or whatever and no prob for the help this place has helped me