Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info dude, I never thought about using tupperware. I'll get one tommorow & give it a try, I'll probably freak out some clerks who might catch me measuring the tupperware with a tapemeasure. lolwhat's the 10 gal tank for. ... look into the upside down tuppoware bins. flip it upside-down on its lid, put your clones on the lid, and place the tuppoware over the clones after slicing a bunch of holes for airflow. just pull up the bin, spray the inside and leave em be. the more you fuck with em it disturbs the rooting process. pretty cheap clone dome
What are the holes for though, mold & mildew prevention? I got a tip earlier that if I mix in some Hydrogen Peroxide with the water being evaporated (I'll explain in a sec) that it will control the mold & mildew. Have you ever tried it?
I currently have them in 16oz plastic cups which sit in a 14" saucer with water in the saucer (no drainage holes in the cups - clones watered with 1/8 cup of water). I'm using the top halves of pepsi bottles for little individual domes. Temp is 77 at the top of the cup & humidity is 89% & climbing, which is pretty impressive considering the humidity in the house is 10%.
I was thinking of trying the tank with sarran wrap over the top so I can take more clones. The tank's pretty big and pretty cheap, but if I can save money on tupperware then I'll try that first. I was also thinking of using the tamk because someone said I should try to keep the medium at 80 and the plant top at mid 70s and a heating pad would help to do that. I can't use a heating pad under a plastic saucer or tupperware. But if these clones come in OK then I wont need the tank. (so many thoughts flying around inside my head

I could have taken a few more clones but I guess I'm not drinking pepsi fast enough. lol But tommorow I'll get some tupperware & give it a try. I have plenty of room under the light, I could only take 7 clones today. (enough to fill 1 saucer)
bghydro.com or hightechgardensupply ---- although, a heating pad isn't absolutely necessary...... i root 9/10 clones without a heating pad. hell, i don't even have a thermometer..... they key to cloning is to not really care about em, just let them do their thing ...... i come and mist the walls of the clone dome a few times a day, but other than that i don't pay them any attention...
Nice set up, mine is jerry rigged right now, and I'm just starting to test different things. I can tell you right now I'm not happy with the Rooting Hormone Powder, what a pain in the ass to use. I'll get some Seran Wrap tommorow so I can put it in a cup cut in half, maybe it will be easier to work with that way.here's my clone dome. as you can see the clones in root are on the bottom shelf, underneath a couple of new mothersi just come in a few times a day and mist the inside walls. there's air flaps on the bottom of the grotent so it allows great airflow
and some cuts i took a few day's ago.... nothing special, 2/3dirt 1/3perlite (roughly), holes in the cup, 18/6 and leave em. bout 10 days later all good. obviosly your clones won't need watering b/c the soil won't really dry until there's a root mass absorbing it.
I've been getting a lot of different advice so I have to test different things. As an example, my clones have anywhere from 1 to 6 nodes under the dirt, and I scraped some of the stem cover off of a couple to help rooting. Lengths vary from very short to about 1.75" or 2" for the one with 6 nodes. And I saw something very strange when I had to clean out my grand ma's house when she passed. A small indoor tree (paper tree maybe) hadn't been watered in over 3 months. The middle of the short tree was dead but the top was still alive. Some branches had drooped to the dirt & become roots, it was pretty freaky, but with one of these clones I'm gonna have to try leaving on the stem & leaf on the nodes in the dirt just to see what happens.
Also when I was cutting clones a few of them from the Opiums which were FIMed when I got them I actually had to dig up because they originated from under the dirt level. I don't know how or why it did that, but I'm concerned that FIMed plants may be harder to clone, especially if the roots come out as branches. lol
It will be interesting to see if the branches grow back in as branches or as roots. (I re-burried them after taking the cutting)