rentjr's second grow attempt


OK, my first grow didn't go so well :( The consensus was that my soil was too rich and nute burned the hell out of my seedlings. I have since then picked up some new stuff to start my girls in.

I couldn't find jiffy pellets at lowes, they said it was out of season but someone had returned something earlier that day. The only thing they had was a kit that had compostable pots and coconut coir pellets so I bought it. I put my seeds straight into the pellets. watered them and waited.

I have three seedlings now that sprouted about 2 days ago. One of them is doing really well but I dont know whats up with the other two. I think it may just be light burn from when they were wet. what do you guys think? I have since moved the lights up to about 5" above them and put a plastic baggie over the pots to keep in some moisture. The coconut coir dries fast.

Ill post more about my light setup and stuff tomorrow, I just wanted to get some pictures up so you can see how far I am. If anyone has any comments please feel free to share :)



Well-Known Member
Cute little things ain't they?! happy to see you got this seedling thing figured out my dude. Wait till those true leaves grow out a bit and you see the next set emerging. That's roughly when i transplanted and my girls loved me for it. They've just exploded in a weeks time. (stuff grows like a weed :lol:!!!!)

Good times are ahead of you my dude! By the way about your light, I kept my bulb all of about 4" from my ladies and they have stayed nice and compact! Closer the better always remember!!
(just re-read you said 5" above them, i thought you 5" higher than the light once was... never mind . . .. ) THAT ONE INCH MAKES A DIFFERENCE!! haha I'm worn out not making sense. i need sleep.

Whatever soil you had before... I have a terrible memory... Planning to use it again? I would personally, if it was strong enough to burn seedlings, probably means you won't have to feed until early-mid flower, which is nice.
Just make sure your kids are ready for transplant, they need to look strong for that soil :lol:



OKay, it looks to me like Im having the same issue that I had before :( I thought fot sure that I had problems with too many nutes in the soil, but these guys are planted in coconut coir pellets which, I believe have no nutes at all?? The only think I can think of is some kind of heat/ventilation issue. I dont have any ventilation and the heat stays around 80 degrees. I can't get past the seedling stage and I dont know why.

There are some great quiality pics attatched, could someone please be so kind to help me out?

Id love to be a bigger part of this community but Its hard to learn when I cant get past the first stage.

+rep for help :)




Well-Known Member
are you using tap water? do you pH your tap water? are you allowing your tap water to sit in an open container for at least 24 hours to evaporate the chlorine (most) city water systems add? what seeds are you using? how much light are they under?

answer the above questions and we can get this worked out.



are you using tap water? do you pH your tap water? are you allowing your tap water to sit in an open container for at least 24 hours to evaporate the chlorine (most) city water systems add? what seeds are you using? how much light are they under?

answer the above questions and we can get this worked out.

wateredonce a day with about a tablespoon of spring water.
under 6 26W cfl's (there were 2 per plant, my third girl died fast)
Rh- about 37%
temp - 75-85 degrees.


Well-Known Member
it could just be bad genetics. no telling for sure. you should pick up a pH test kit.
the General Hydroponics kit comes with pH test solution, test vial, 1 mL dropper and pH UP/DOWN
water with 6.5 pH and you shouldn't have any problems.
although my best guess is just genetics. also, all those bulbs could be drying your medium and not sufficiently holding moisture.
