Renting? Land Lord?


Well-Known Member
Im still a young guy, and i dont plan on having my own place (buying) for quite a few years. i plan on renting a decent sized house (with a basement) in a few months with a few friends of mine. im not worried about trust at all, but i am worrying about the land lord fuckin shit up.

im not familiar with how stuff is done when renting houses (U.S.). what are my risks if i grow in a rented place? i figure i might have to do some covert, closet stuff if i need to, but id love to get a nice big system going as soon as possible. any advice?


Active Member
All depends, when i use to rent i once had a land lord who wouldnt stay away. He never came in the house but he was always nocking on the door to tell us one thing or another. Then i rented another place and never met the land lord since it was all done through a rentals agency. If you dont want to see a landlord ever that would be the way to go. The only people you see when you go through a rental agency is contractors when you submit fixit workorders such as plumbing problems or something.


Well-Known Member
I go through a rentals agency, but still grow in my closet because there's a friggin power outlet in there. You never know who might be coming by, I think the best bet is a verry hissen location.


Well-Known Member
indoor soil grow would be perfect for in the basement. Just remember dont tell ANYONE who isn't on a need to know basis. And grow skunk bud so if the LL comes by and kinda smels it u can just say a skunk died down the road or some stupid shit homey.


Well-Known Member
One thing to keep in mind, it is his property he can come in at any time with or without notice. With that in mind, dont give him a reason to have to keep checking out the place. No wild parties, keep the area outside clean, keep the inside in respectable order, pay the rent on time and just be cool. Even if he is a prick, ignore it he is probably justifiable in his attitude. But if you grow indoors, do not put it around things that could need repair. Like the heater, water heater, around main plumbing line runs, electrical panels, etc. Use places where he should not even be looking anyways like bedroom closets.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Actually by law he has to give you 48 hours notice before he or any scheduled worker can enter the premises.Most likely if its landlord with one house he wont do that but he can go to jail and loose his renters license if he does and you turn him in as its considered unlawful entry.You send up an alert right away by saying you and a couple of friends as you now are a reason for him to stop by to see if you guys are partying or tearing the property up..Issue with reality companys are they alwasy stop in to do routine maintence which is a hassle.I always changed all my locks on any place I rented and always picked a cool landlord when looking for a home and since I do construction I always did all the maintenence myself and just got prior approval for the cost and turned my recipts in to him and got paid back. I kept properties emmaculate outside and in so I never had to see any landlords hell I had to go find them to even give them rent lol


Well-Known Member
you also have to keep in mind that some places offer electricity and/or water in the rent. so if all a sudden your power bill jumps up, they may be corious. But they do have to give you a warning before entering your place. i would change the locks anyways when you move into a new place, especially if you are doing a decent amount of growning.


Well-Known Member
What fletch said.

Im a landlord & all i do is take a weekly drive by my homes to see if anything is amiss,if the rents paid on time i could not care less what their doing.


Well-Known Member
I rent ...and live in an apartment...check my journal in my signature...its from start to almost finish..


Well-Known Member
You Cali guys shouldn't be allowed to chime in on stuff. lol Its like a different country for you guys.


Well-Known Member
I rent but its from my brother inlaw. He doesnt know about the grow but he also wouldnt care. Get a feel for the type of person the landlord is before you sign the lease. If he seems nosy and cares about the building alot he Will be trouble.


Well-Known Member
As many have suggested about changing your locks. Read your lease carefully. Landlords can add that to the agreement and be means for immediate eviction. My dad does it and it is iron clad. He has his guy go in on the 18th of every month to check the smoke detectors and change the air filter, etc. He spells that date out in the beginning, +/- a day or two to cover weekends, but the landlord has every right to come in and do routine maintenance, its his property and well within his rights to take care of it. He gives the tenet one chance if they change locks, put the old ones back on or your gone. When the maintenance guy comes around the next month and cant get in, eviction proceedings are being started, he has won every time.

Read your lease carefully.


Well-Known Member
As many have suggested about changing your locks. Read your lease carefully. Landlords can add that to the agreement and be means for immediate eviction. My dad does it and it is iron clad. He has his guy go in on the 18th of every month to check the smoke detectors and change the air filter. He spells that date out in the beginning, +/- a day or two to cover weekends, but the landlord has every right to come in and do routine maintenance, its his property and well within his rights to take care of it. He gives the tenet one chance if they change locks, put the old ones back on or your gone. When the maintenance guy comes around the next month and cant get in, eviction proceedings are being started.

Read your lease carefully.
good post....rep r u


Well-Known Member
your pops or not... if the renter signs something where the the land lord states he will come in on a certain date and do modifications then thats a greed upon. but if there isnt a formal agreement in writing the landlord has no right to enter. understandable your pops is checkin on his place... but routine check ups on air filter?? for what? this is a rare case! you'll be fine man... rent away