Rent a cop pulled me over for smoking???


Well-Known Member
So last night i went out with my mate and smoked a blunt then ate then smoked out of a bong with my dealer than another blunt, well i went to the other side of my subdivision and slept i was there for like 15 min when i wake up with these bright lights ( i was still high and thought it was aliens) than this sercurity rent a cop comes up to my window and i open the door and he is like "you been smoking dope?" and i told him no sir and im going to go now and then he was like bullshit you are and then i told him i know my rights snad i know that unless you have considerable evidence of me possessing dope than there isnt shit you can do, then he siad well i think you better get on home. FUCKIN IGS I HATE THEM< IF IM EVER A COP ID BE LIKE YOU SMOKING DOPE>>>>YEAH WELL ITS COOL< GIMME A HIT OFF THA JOINT


Well-Known Member
I hate rent a cops. They are like traffic cops but with an even bigger inferiority complex. Not like they can really do anything though. It's fun to fuck with them if you know there are no real cops in the area.


stays relevant.
Just be glad he didn't rape you on the side of the road and leave you locked in the trunk of the car :( That would have been scccaaaaarrryyyyy. :lol:


Well-Known Member
hehehe you said a rent a cop pulled you over but you said in your post you went to slep for 15min wakin up to him..:roll: so how did it really go down..what are you leavin out of your story?? did your have to do some kiss-ass or what did you share your :joint: with the popo. are you to really friends and he said your lucky it was me that found you and not some one else...:lol::lol: im just goffin with you man....


Well-Known Member
LMAO nah nothing happened lol but seriously ive goten into trouble with the cops cause of this guy, and he does a power conflict or watever it is, i mean he acts all tough and shit like hes a real cop but he couldnt mkae it as one lol, i wish i could have shared that blunt i had earlyier with him and been look dude just chill