Reno 911


New Member
No Vi we don't live in the 1950's anymore the world has moved on.. your view point is right out of the 1950's. Your out of step with the times and reality. How old are you now? 70. I rest my case.
As one gets older the more closed minded they get, this is a psychologicly proven fact.
The reason you are working now can only be for two reasons, reason number one: If you didn't work, you couldn't make enough on social security to eat anything other than cat food with the cost of living in California. reason number two: Your just plain greedy and think you can take it with you.

Now as far as your insults like pant load, where do you come up with this? It doesn't originate from you, your just not that original (you forget I've been dealing with you for 7 years)... who are you getting it from?

Now The facts that she (Ann Coulter) post may be correct, but her pure hatred of people that think different than herself and her causticness in her tone is even turning off conservatives.
You couldn't be more wrong in your assessments. Conservatism is alive and thriving as a younger generation than yourself looks at their parents and can hardly believe the hypocrisy. Chanting, "Lets leave the world in a better condition than we found it!!", all the while practicing the hallmark of hippyism/yuppyism, consume, consume, consume, or more appropriately, "Me, me, me!"

And age being a factor in viewpoints and the inability/lack of desire to change them starts at about 2, and never really gets worse or better. As you get older, you might have refined your views, but being stubborn is a personal characteristic. I'm sure you'll agree, or actually, disagree.

Some work to pay bills, some work to produce and achieve. Because of your closed mindedness on the subject, I'll put you in the first category. A "job hater".

And isn't this contradictory. "your view point is right out of the 1950's. Your out of step with the times and reality." and then "where do you come up with this? It doesn't originate from you, your just not that original" Must of put that 50's closed minded mentality away for the moment, or so you suggest.

And hate sells, I guess, judging by the warm reception Anns books always get. Must be those damn repukes that hate her so much, eh INOB?


New Member
No it's that there becoming like mexicans trying to cross the border to get to our stronger economy, more lenient marijuana laws and medical care. Im just feeling ripped of getting american quarters back as change. You guys can keep your crack whores and gangs to yourselves.
In which case all of our illegal "Mexicans" should get amnesty from Texas to Minnesota, and then it's on their own to Canada. You'll be speaking Spanish soon, oui?


Well-Known Member
A NY Times writer put it best i think

"Coulter epitomizes the way politics is now discussed on the airwaves, where opinions must come violently fast and cause as much friction as possible. No one, right or left, delivers the required apothegmatic commentary on the world with as much glee or effectiveness as Coulter. It is almost impossible to watch her and not be sluiced into rage or elation, depending on your views."

I would be the rage, you would be the elation. Her books are controversial. That is why they sell well. The reason they are controversial is that a great number of people feel the need to vomit when they hear her speak.


New Member
A NY Times writer put it best i think

"Coulter epitomizes the way politics is now discussed on the airwaves, where opinions must come violently fast and cause as much friction as possible. No one, right or left, delivers the required apothegmatic commentary on the world with as much glee or effectiveness as Coulter. It is almost impossible to watch her and not be sluiced into rage or elation, depending on your views."

I would be the rage, you would be the elation. Her books are controversial. That is why they sell well. The reason they are controversial is that a great number of people feel the need to vomit when they hear her speak.
And many would feel the need to vomit while reciting the National Anthem or when reading disagreeable portions of the US Constitution, i.e. Second Amendment etc. etc. Does this make them controversial as well?


Well-Known Member
And many would feel the need to vomit while reciting the National Anthem or when reading disagreeable portions of the US Constitution, i.e. Second Amendment etc. etc. Does this make them controversial as well?
That's a great point man. You could have also used, "Many people feel the need to vomit when they eat shit! Does that make shit controversial? Or, "Many people feel the need to vomit when riding roller coasters! Does that make roller coasters controversial?"

Look, we all know why you love her. Because she's a racist, hate-mongering facist. And so are you. You've both proven it several times. And before you ask me to prove it, you might want to second guess yourself, cause I have the quotes from both of you waiting.


Well-Known Member
One step forward and two steps back.:mrgreen:
wtf are you doing man? You posted two different quotes, from two different threads, where I was talking to two different people. The topics aren't even closely related? I mean... seriously? I try to go a little easy on you, cause you are an older gentlemen, and I want to respect my elders, but if you continue to use these disgusting tactics to try and prove a point, I will destroy your credibility on this forum, even farther than you have already done yourself.


New Member
That's a great point man. You could have also used, "Many people feel the need to vomit when they eat shit! Does that make shit controversial? Or, "Many people feel the need to vomit when riding roller coasters! Does that make roller coasters controversial?"

Look, we all know why you love her. Because she's a racist, hate-mongering facist. And so are you. You've both proven it several times. And before you ask me to prove it, you might want to second guess yourself, cause I have the quotes from both of you waiting.
Wow, your dense. We are talking about a physical nausea in response to ideas. Now you might consider "eating shit" an idea, I think of it as a lib trait in response to conservative attacks. Thats all your left with, a hot plate of your own disgusting "shit" to eat.:mrgreen::mrgreen: And do you really want to play the quote game again? I thought you wanted to "play big boy games" last time I wooped your little ass in that competition? :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
wtf are you doing man? You posted two different quotes, from two different threads, where I was talking to two different people. The topics aren't even closely related? I mean... seriously? I try to go a little easy on you, cause you are an older gentlemen, and I want to respect my elders, but if you continue to use these disgusting tactics to try and prove a point, I will destroy your credibility on this forum, even farther than you have already done yourself.
By the way, what happened to your excursion into "intelligent debate"? Did it collapse as soon as you were mentally tested?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Wow, your dense. We are talking about a physical nausea in response to ideas. Now you might consider "eating shit" an idea, I think of it as a lib trait in response to conservative attacks. Thats all your left with, a hot plate of your own disgusting "shit" to eat.:mrgreen::mrgreen: And do you really want to play the quote game again? I thought you wanted to "play big boy games" last time I wooped your little ass in that competition? :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
You're seriously delusional old man. Seriously. Do you realize how many PM's a get every day, thanking me for handling a dirt bag, P.O.S. like you? You've never won a single argument with me. Not even close. The only thing you do is back away and make smiley faces. Prove me wrong. Prove me even close to wrong. You are pathetic.


New Member
That's a great point man. You could have also used, "Many people feel the need to vomit when they eat shit! Does that make shit controversial? Or, "Many people feel the need to vomit when riding roller coasters! Does that make roller coasters controversial?"

Look, we all know why you love her. Because she's a racist, hate-mongering facist. And so are you. You've both proven it several times. And before you ask me to prove it, you might want to second guess yourself, cause I have the quotes from both of you waiting.
PROVE IT!!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
You're seriously delusional old man. Seriously. Do you realize how many PM's a get every day, thanking me for handling a dirt bag, P.O.S. like you? You've never won a single argument with me. Not even close. The only thing you do is back away and make smiley faces. Prove me wrong. Prove me even close to wrong. You are pathetic.
Keep up the good work!:mrgreen:


New Member
wtf are you doing man? You posted two different quotes, from two different threads, where I was talking to two different people. The topics aren't even closely related? I mean... seriously? I try to go a little easy on you, cause you are an older gentlemen, and I want to respect my elders, but if you continue to use these disgusting tactics to try and prove a point, I will destroy your credibility on this forum, even farther than you have already done yourself.
hahahahahahahahahahaha:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: Thank you, oh thank you hahahahahahahahaha:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey, do you remember the last time we argued and you posted like 15 posts in a row, basically debating with yourself. That was hilarious.


Well-Known Member
I have to go watch the Mavs game Ccodaine. I know it confused you last time, but when my name says offline, it means i'm not here, so try not to talk to yourself too long.