Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
Ha, nice man, I'm actually doing some outdoor fruits, veggies, and herbs! I've got 2 bags of outdoor soil and plenty of room in the garden bed. And i've accumulated a large number of fruits veggies and herbs, too lazy to grab them to list them. Maybe when I get back from walking around the block with my dog, but my stomach hurts and I need to walk it off.

And for the record, I know planting season is nearing an end, especially in outdoor growing...But it'll help me learn a whole new thing aspect of growing, i've never grown outdoors before. Everything here dies so quickly! 115° Day, 100° Nights in MID summer, it's already getting into the 90's during the day here. -_-
Hurts grow room temps a lot!
yeah dude, i know exactly what your saying. on the 2011 growing zone im in section 10. so i hear ya man...i was just looking at my seeds and i think all ive got left that can go outside now is some sunflowers and corn i think. ive just not got my peppers in the full sun and some of them are loving it others still need some shade time...peppers are great to grow inside man, they love offset lighting and can veg under any spectrum

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
I got a row of corn.just came up 6ew inches.i started some in party cups&putem in my cab on12/12&theyre so much bigger than whats outside! Funny! Better enviorment in the cab!even with less light!&lumens.less hrs!


Well-Known Member
good deal bro. corn grows good and strong, you can plant seeds underneath a previous plant thats about 3' tall bro so you can harvest a descent amount. my peppers are finally taking off. i topped them all and now there blowing up.

i started some cucumbers when my tote was 12/12 dude. then when they showed flowers i put them outside and most of them made it. they were waaaaay bigger then the ones i started outside dude. pretty wild how that works


Pickle Queen
woohoo looks like i came in at right moment, i am about to go conquer my garden too, ive had cantaloupe, peppers(red,green, medusa, banana) cauliflower, broccoli and my baby girls in my veg box for about 3 weeks, peppers are sprouting!!! So i must go out and make my rows, install my irrigation system and finaly put some plants in!!!
Mine will be a perprtual veggie/fruit garden, i have over 50 things to plant!!!! Ok i'm gonna smoke a few bongs and get my ass outside, oh ya i also have a bunch of flowers to plant, i think over 40 varieties, exotic and local


Well-Known Member
woohoo looks like i came in at right moment, i am about to go conquer my garden too, ive had cantaloupe, peppers(red,green, medusa, banana) cauliflower, broccoli and my baby girls in my veg box for about 3 weeks, peppers are sprouting!!! So i must go out and make my rows, install my irrigation system and finaly put some plants in!!!
Mine will be a perprtual veggie/fruit garden, i have over 50 things to plant!!!! Ok i'm gonna smoke a few bongs and get my ass outside, oh ya i also have a bunch of flowers to plant, i think over 40 varieties, exotic and local
thats awesome!!! ive got a ton of veggies going myself, already eaten 2 cucumbers...i started mine from seed on 2/20 and now there all outside. im growing pumpkins to make some cool jack o lanterns for halloween this year


Moderatrix of Journals
sweet, is it riu gardening day?
i have a buttload of transplanting to do, and then i have to start more carrots and peppers in the resulting empty seed trays.


Pickle Queen
fuck me i'm still sitting here, lol damn weed, sorry just had to ramble a bit,
hey mellokitty, it sure it, and get on that shit women!!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
thats awesome!!! ive got a ton of veggies going myself, already eaten 2 cucumbers...i started mine from seed on 2/20 and now there all outside. im growing pumpkins to make some cool jack o lanterns for halloween this year

ive gota bag of the super large gord/punkins. Is it too late to plant them? @april:nice selection so nieve to veggy grows.i think perpetual,budz.indoor,budz!!! Lmao


Well-Known Member
ive gota bag of the super large gord/punkins. Is it too late to plant them? @april:nice selection so nieve to veggy grows.i think perpetual,budz.indoor,budz!!! Lmao
i dont think so man, you might have to keep the pumpkin covered with something so the sun doesnt beat it up but you gotta while before that dude lol


Well-Known Member
Hey yall how ya doing today? damn missed tons of rambles lol still have to catch up but another long day today so I'll be in and out....


Well-Known Member
Indeed you did!
NOW, time to get to work gardening! Altho it's interesting, since most all of us garden other things too. Plant people are plant people no matter what plant it is I suppose.


New Member
man there are just to many aholes on this site wtf is up with all the trolling and hate lately
seems like u cant post anything without a troll attempt


Well-Known Member
NO MORE TROLLS! I don't come across them much anymore only when they hop on my thread and poke the bear so to speak ;) if you are gonna be a smartass make it clear or I'll let ya have it! If something you say was taken wrong then say so and grizz goes away! Lalala just rambling now lifes shitty but I decided I'm gonna be happy and just thank the lord I'm still living!
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