Non of this matters anymore, were fucked
Sorry to spam the thread but its important.
Still confused? Then read “
90% Of Gazprom Clients Have “De-Dollarized”, Will Transact In Euro & Renminbi” for just how Gazprom set the stage for the day it finally would push the button to skip the dollar entirely.
Which it just did.

Zero Hedge[1] is a batshit insane
Austrian economics-based finance blog run by a pseudonymous founder who posts articles under the name "Tyler Durden," after the character from
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk.
Tyler claims to be a "believer in a sweeping
conspiracy that casts the alumni of
Goldman Sachs as a powerful cabal at the helm of
U.S. policy, with the Treasury and the
Federal Reserve colluding to preserve the
status quo." While this is not an
entirely unreasonable statement of the problem,
[2] his solution actually mirrors the anatagonist in
Fight Club in that Tyler
wants, per Austrian school ideas, to lead a
catastrophic market crash in order to destroy banking institutions and bring back
"real" free market capitalism.
The site posts nearly indecipherable analyses of multiple seemingly unrelated subjects to point towards a
consistent theme of economic collapse any day now, and has accurately predicted 200 of the last 2
recessions. Tyler seems to repeat
The Economic Collapse Blog's idea of posting blog articles
many times a day and encouraging people to post it as far and wide as humanly possible. Tyler moves away from the format of long lists to write insanely dense volumes
[4] filled with (often contradicting)
jargon that makes one wonder if the writers even
know what the words actually mean.
[5] The site first appeared in early 2009, meaning that (given Tyler's habit of taking a
shit on each and every positive data point), anyone listening to him from the beginning missed the entire 2009-2013 rally in the equities market.
The only writer conclusively identified is
Dan Ivandjiiski, who conducts public interviews on behalf of Zero Hedge.
[6] The blog came online several days after he lost his job at Wexford Capital, a
Connecticut-based hedge fund (run by a former Goldman trader). And proceeded to choose his pen name from a nihilistic psychotic
Zero Hedge is not
quite the
NaturalNews of
economics, but not for want of trying.
About the author
Ivandjiiski's history is a little odd, since he moved to the United States from
Bulgaria to study at the University of
Pennsylvania in order to pursue
molecular biology (then go on to
med school). Instead he took a job as a junior investment banker at Jefferies & Company in Los Angeles, and continued in finance. It is interesting to note that in 2005, while working for Miller Buckfire, he was barred from working in the broker-dealer business due to insider trading amounting to $780.
Dan denies that he founded the site, but he claims no other profession and to be the primary author of a number of the articles. He claims he writes with a staff of up to 40 other writers that work for Zero Hedge. However, secrecy is paramount in case
They find out.
journalism is apparently not out of place in the Ivandjiiski family either. His father Krassimir Ivandjiiski runs a
cranky tabloid called
Bulgaria Confidential; it received brief notoriety in the US after publishing a story about massive
drug trafficking and
corruption in
Montana, picked up by an independent US rag
Free Speech Newspaper.
[16] There Krassimir and
Free Speech claimed that the governor was an
alcoholic drug abuser that helped turn his
state into one of the pits of drug trafficking in the US.
[17] The governor fired off complaints about slander, while many wondered why a state hundreds of miles from any major population center and one small highway
[18] could have more drug runners than the West Coast.
[edit] Allegations of "pump and dump" involvement
Ironically, Zero Hedge has itself been accused of some of the manipulation it claims to expose. A company called Noble Investments Limited claims that a financial consultant paid Zero Hedge and a nut from
Forbes to write a defamatory blog post about the company, which he then linked to immediately.
“”Accordingly, just fourteen minutes after the Dalrymple GFC Reptort was published on, Weinberg published a fully formed blog entry, including pictures, in which he summarized and quoted from the report, and provided readers a link to Ivandjiiski’s blog entry on where they could download the report. Weinberg did not acknowledge that had “broken” the story fourteen minutes earlier or state anywhere in the blog that the link from which readers were invited to download the report pointed to Ivandjiiski’s blog entry on
The law firm behind the suit describes Zero Hedge as "a portal for people to anonymously distribute derogatory information concerning public companies," giving the impression that Zero Hedge may well have arranged many such pay-to-defame schemes