Removing PM spores from entire house


Well-Known Member
Looking for tips or advice on how to thoroughly remove any left over Powdery Mildew spores that might be in the house after the last grow. I've been battling this stuff for around 6-8 months now. After every harvest, I disinfect the entire grow room, pots, lights, power cords, EVERYTHING from the ceiling down. And it still comes back like the plague by week 6-7 of flower and then spreads rapidly. I'm in canada, if anyone can recommend products that will help.
Get some potassium bicarbonate. Mix in water. Spray on literally everything. I get the wine/beer making kind. It's basically a form of PH up. But kills PM. Beyond that if it keeps coming back then your humidty is staying too high along with lack of air flow is creating those conditions fungus love.
Chlorine dioxide would work well for this. It's a gaseous sanitizer, so anything that touches air will be sanitized. Biocide is the brand I use at my commercial mushroom farm, I gas the clean room before doing inoculations.

Each one of these containers will sanitize 4,000 cubic feet.

Remove all pets and vacate the premesis before gassing.

I bought an AirROS from Sage Industries to fight the same problem. It generates hydrogen trioxide which kills PM on contact, whether in the air or on a surface.

I haven't had 100% success with this, which is disturbing considering the price. It does beat back the PM though, I seem to get it in the 6th or 7th week of flower but doesn't cover the whole plant.


I also use Regalia to boost the plants' immune systems. I have a UV light that suppose to kill PM but it's hard to tell if it works. Last one I have is a sulfur vaporizer, to coat all surfaces with sulfur.

i used to get some pm and bud rot but havent had any since i got a proper dehum and kept it under 60%. spores are everywhere you have to scrub and disinfect the fresh air you bring in which is not feasible for me. my 2cents.
Mold/mildew spores are literally everywhere, but they need the right environmental conditions (temp/RH/airflow/condensation/etc) in order to germinate and infect your plants. You're probably better off focusing on making your environment less habitable for them in the first place, than trying to kill all the spores. Keeping temps and humidity in check, minimizing swings in RH that can allow condensation to form on leaves, etc.

Good luck!
Mold/mildew spores are literally everywhere, but they need the right environmental conditions (temp/RH/airflow/condensation/etc) in order to germinate and infect your plants. You're probably better off focusing on making your environment less habitable for them in the first place, than trying to kill all the spores. Keeping temps and humidity in check, minimizing swings in RH that can allow condensation to form on leaves, etc.

Good luck!
Thanks, some sound advice here. I have actually noticed my humidity spikes at night during the last few weeks of flower. Something I nees to worm on for sure.
Try an ozone generator. Set it on a timer and leave the house. Take any pets and plants you dont want to die out of the room/house.
Chlorine dioxide would work well for this. It's a gaseous sanitizer, so anything that touches air will be sanitized. Biocide is the brand I use at my commercial mushroom farm, I gas the clean room before doing inoculations.

Each one of these containers will sanitize 4,000 cubic feet.

Remove all pets and vacate the premesis before gassing.
I like how you think

I'm in canada, if anyone can recommend products that will help.
You can get Regalia Maxx in Canada, not sold in US yet.
It looks like a bedroom grow with wood floors (flood trays) from your other pics, so the wood and drywall walls might be holding way too much moisture.
Might need a bigger dehumidifier running, get some vapor barriers up.