removing leaves during flowering?


i have 3 weeks of flowering left and the bottom buds are'nt that good due to lack of light getting to them, could i remove most of the big leaves to let more light through or would this stress the plant and delay bud production or cause any damage? please help as this is my 1st grow.


Well-Known Member
Like Jorge Cervantes says, "Leave leaves alone." Buds don't need direct sunlight to grow. The leaves soaking up the light will provide for the buds. Only remove leaves that are 50% or more degraded.
Yes, 1 issue doing indoor is you'll always end up with popcorn buds from the lower branches, but this can be reduced by LollyPopping your plants at like week 3 of veg. By docking ur lower branches the growth will focus on the top colas.


Well-Known Member
Yup, and if u only have 3 weeks left, that's like the most important time, so no need to stress your plant by stripping leaves this late in the game.


Well-Known Member
why don't you just let them ripen unpruned, and after initial harvest let the plant sit a couple more weeks to ripen off the lower buds? i do this. it's a little easier when you have to trim so much stuff.

Edit. I think Northern Lights is a good indoor strain. But I don't shy away from any strain. If I want it I'll grow it.