Removing chlorine from tap water


Well-Known Member
I've been doing a lot of hydro this past year and was wondering if there are ways to prepare tap water to be used. I seem to go through a lot of distilled water and want to try and cut down on the expense.
Any help or knowledge would be great. Thanks
GJ :leaf:


Active Member
I let my water sit for 3 days prior to a res change, never had a problem. For daily fills, I try to have some on hand but find myself using more and more distilled, they're thirsty lately!


Active Member
I let my tap water sit in a gallon jug with the cap off for a day. The chlorine and whatever else evaporates into the air..


New Member
There really is no reson toworry about the chlorine in your tap water. It is by lw in such small amounts it will not harm your plants. It is chloride that mj does not tolerate not chlorine. Commercial hydroponic greenhose growers typically use pump chlorine directly into their hydroponic lines at a concentration of about 4.5 ppm. Tap water generally is around 0.2 ppm. Flouride added to most treated water is a much more severe problem then the chlorine as the chlorine dissipates and the flourine does not. Chlorine is really only a problem when using organic nutrients.


I think the only best solution is to remove the chlorine of water is to use a water filtration system. Just like what I did before, I hardly remove the chlorine and thanks to my friend because she recommended me to buy a water filter. Fortunately, as of now, I have no problem of using it.


Well-Known Member
You can buy a solution at the pet store for aquariums that take out the chlorine if you don't want to leave your water out or forget and need it right away. I add RO water to tap to bring my ppms under 200. That helps save some RO usage.