remove leaves?


Active Member
Just wondering if i remove some leaves from my plants so the buds get more light will this help?? or should i not do this?
First off, you might not have to prune them.

Second, leaves are not usually the purpose or the target of pruning.

Third, knowing why you prune, and what happens when you do so will probably answer all the rest of the questions.

You Prune For Two Reasons:

1) To control the upward or outward growth of your plants. In other words to keep them short.
2) To promote node sites (or bud sites). In other words to create more branches (growing tips).

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] As a grower you should aim to produce plants of relatively uniform growth. When all of your plants are approximately the same height, you can more easily achieve optimal lighting conditions. If one plant grows more vigorously than the others, you risk ending up with light gaps.
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] Thinning your grow makes it look nicer, tidier and helps to improve your overall yield by preventing potentially good plants from being covered by weaker ones that are growing much taller. Remember that height and size have nothing to do with potency. Some plants with very long internodes tend to grow very tall, covering other plants and diverting most of their energy into vertical growth rather than bud production. This kind of competitive growth will only lead to less than optimal results.
By the time you have finished your thinning you should have a uniform with some clones that you can use to grow more bud.

Hope that helps....